Double Ford

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Mabel was preparing for a party. Checklist in hand, she made sure everything was perfect. Meanwhile, the twins sat nearby on the couch.

Oh no, Lee, I don't feel so good, Ford fake groaned. I think I'm gonna-

He shot a can of pink silly string at Stan, pretending to throw up. Stan faked a gasp.

"Graunty Mabel, what did you feed us?" Stan asked, and shot purple silly string at Ford. They both laughed, doing this back and forth for a minute.

"Guys, guys, stop!" Dan said, walking up to them and waving a hand. "Something terrible just happened!"

Stan and Ford looked at each other, covered in silly string, before turning their attention to the older teen. He pretended to barf, spraying green silly string all over the younger boys.

"Comedy gold!" Bella laughed, tossing gold-colored confetti over the boys.

"Haha, all right, kids," Mabel laughed, taking the silly string from them. "Save some of it for the party. You don't wanna tire yourself out before it starts, do ya?"

"No," Stan shook his head.

"Ms. Pines, whose birthday is it again?" Ria asked as she hung up some decorations.

"Actually, it's these two rascals," Mabel grinned and ruffled Stan and Ford's hair. The twins laughed.

"Really? Cool!" Bella smiled. "Happy birthday! You guys are Geminis, like me!"

"And we're officially teenagers now," Stan added happily. Mabel handed him and Ford a flyer.

"Here, go and make some copies of this," she instructed. "The copier store is in town."

"Actually, Ms. Pines, Ah finally fixed up that old copier in yer office," Fiddleford spoke up. "They could use that."

"Oh really?" Mabel smiled. "How about you go show them how to use it, then? And you can put up some flyers in town, too."

"Yes ma'am!" Fiddleford smiled. He showed the twins down the hall to where the copier was. It looked a little busted up, and bits of electricity sparked along it. "Here it is, good as new."

"Are you sure it works?" Ford asked, looking over the machine.

"Only one way ta find out," Fiddleford said. He turned it on and laid an arm on it. It printed out a black and white copy of his arm.

"It works!" Stan smiled, holding up the picture. Suddenly the paper began to shake. Stan dropped it in surprise as color came to the arm. It became 3-D, crawling off the paper. Ford gasped as the arm dragged itself towards him and Fiddleford.

"Stay back!" Ford yelled, throwing a cup of soda at the arm. It melted into a pile of goop. "Oh my gosh! Guys, I think this copier can copy human beings!"

"Do you know what this means?!" Stan gasped. Ford and Fiddleford looked at him and Stan sprayed silly string at them again. Neither of them laughed this time.


The three boys had promised to keep the machine a secret. They had copied the flyers (which didn't come to life, unlike Fiddleford's arm) and Fiddleford hung them up around town. Now they stood in a line with Bella and Ria as Mabel stood in front of them, looking at her clipboard.

"Ok, party animals!" Mabel cheered. "And birthday boys. Let's talk business! Ria, because you asked so nicely, you'll be DJ."

"Yes! You won't regret it, Ms. Pines!" Ria said happily. "I got this book that teaches me how to DJ r-r-right!"

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