Bottomless Pit!

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AN: Bud's sign name is 'creep'. Felt like I should mention that.

Mabel was driving the golf cart. On board was the twins, Bella, Fiddleford, and Ria. She skidded to a stop next to a giant hole. She stepped off the golf cart, leading the others towards the hole.

"In this land of ours, there are many great pits," Mabel began, "but none are more bottomless than the Bottomless Pit. Which as you can see here is bottomless."

"Question, is it bottomless?" Ria asked.

"Kids, can one of you try explaining this to Ria?" Mabel asked.

"Bottomless equals no bottom," Bella said.

"Graunty Mabel, why are we here again?" Ford asked.

"To dispose of things we don't want," Mabel smiled. "Goodbye, old loser candy!"

She tossed a handful of candy into the pit.

"Arrivederci, creepy love letters from Lil' Bud!" Bella said, dropping the letters and presents over the edge. "Die, die!"

"So long, unused Mystery Shack suggestion cards," Stan threw the paper into the pit.

"See ya never, failed inventions," Fiddleford tossed the broken machinery into the hole. Ria took off her shoes, flinging them into the pit.

"What are you doing?" Ford asked the woman.

"Throwing stuff, dude," she answered simply. "Everybody's doing it."

She grabbed a grill and threw it down the hole. Mabel pushed a large chained box into the pit.

"What was that, Graunty Mabel?" Stan asked.

"Oh, just my personal box of mysterious secrets," Mabel answered. "Nothing worth wondering about."

"Graunty Mabel, do I really have to be the one to point out that a bottomless pit is, by definition, impossible?" Ford asked.

"Just let us have fun, jeez," Bella rolled her eyes. The wind picked up, blowing hard against the group of friends.

"Oh no! It's some kind of invisible pushing force!" Ria yelled, shielding herself against the wind.

"It's called wind, Ria," Fiddleford said.

"Come on, let's get back to the shack!" Ford yelled over the wind. They ran back to the cart, except for Stan. He stayed by the pit, trying to throw the cards into the pit, but they kept blowing back at him.

"I'm not done getting rid of these!" Stan cried.

"God dang it, Stan!" Bella yelled. "Do you really have to pull this crap now?!"

The cards blew back to cover Stan's face. Everyone tried to pull him away from the pit, but he dug his heels into the ground, insisting on throwing away all the cards.

"Almost, almost..." Stan said. He ended up slipping, and everyone fell into the pit, screaming.

Down in the pit, the six friends screamed for a time. They then stopped, looking around.

"So, anyone wanna keep screaming?" Ria asked.

"Where in tarnation are we?" Fiddleford asked, looking around. Mabel cracked a glow stick, making it light up.

"It's somewhere where it looks like we're nowhere," she mused. She let the glow stick fall up, the string catching on her arm. She giggled.

"We have to land on something eventually," Ford said. "Could be any second now!"

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