The Legend of the Gobblewonker

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Stan and Ford were sitting at the kitchen table, eating pancakes for breakfast. Ford was reading the newspaper when Stan waved his hand.

Hey Ford, syrup race! Stan announced, holding a container of syrup in the air.

You're on! Ford laughed, putting down the newspaper and picking up his own syrup bottle. The twins held the bottles upside down over their mouths so that the syrup slowly dripped out.

"Go go go!" Stan and Ford cheered.

"Almost, almost," Stan said. He hit the bottom of the syrup bottle a few times, causing a drip of syrup to fall into his mouth. "Yes!"

He started coughing as Ford went back to his newspaper. Stan coughed a bit more before clearing his throat.

"Worth it," he coughed.

Woah, no way! Ford signed excitedly. Stan, check this out!

He showed Stan a page in the newspaper.

Human-sized robot suit? Stan signed. I'm human-sized!

No Stan, this, Ford pointed to the other page. It was an ad for a contest. There was a picture of a monster and a big '$1000' across the top. We see weirder stuff than that everyday! We didn't get any pictures of those fairies, did we?

Nope, just memories, Stan signed, then pulled something out. And this wing!

Why would you save that? Ford asked. Stan shrugged. Just then, Mabel entered the room.

"Good morning, knuckleheads," Mabel smiled and signed the greeting. "You guys know what day it is?"

"Um, happy birthday?" Ford guessed.

"You're a year older now!" Stan cheered. Mabel smacked him playfully on the head with the rolled up newspaper.

"It's family fun day, genius!" She said. She walked over to the fridge, pulling out a pitcher of Mabel Juice. "We're cutting work to have some family bonding!"

"Graunty Mabel, this isn't going to be like our last family bonding day, is it?" Ford asked.


Stan was sitting in his room. Earlier that day he had told Mabel that he had never seen a rainbow before. Because of that, she had a surprise for him.

"Hum hum hum, nothing brightens up a room like light from a window," Stan sung to himself, getting up to open the blinds. "Time to open the win- DOH! AHH!"

As soon as he opened the blinds, a very powerful rainbow shone through, blinding him. Mabel jumped into the room, pausing when she saw Stan on the floor.

"IT BURNS! AHHHHH!" Stan screamed, holding his eyes.

Flashback over!

"I still can't see straight," Stan said, and to prove his point, he reached for the syrup bottle, accidentally knocking it over.

"Ok, maybe that wasn't one of my better ideas," Mabel said. "But today we're gonna have real family fun. Now who wants to put on some blindfolds and get into my car?"

"Yay!" Stan and Ford cheered.

"Wait what?" Ford asked, realizing what his great aunt had said.


Stan and Ford were in the back seat of Mabel's car. They each had blindfolds and were obviously buckled in. The car bumped along the road.

'This must have been how Helen Keller felt,' Ford thought. He felt Stan's hand on his arm and could picture a grin on the younger twin's face when he moved to try and tickle him. Ford shoved his hands away, laughing. The car went over a large bump.

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