Fight Fighters

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AN: By this point, Bella, Fidds, Ria, Dan, and Mabel have all been learning sign language for a while. They're not perfect, but nearly every sentence they say has a few words of sign language. And they've all memorized the A.S.L alphabet.

Ria was showing Stan, Bella, and Fiddleford around the arcade.

"This is it dudes, my favorite place in Gravity Falls," Ria smiled. "Everything I know, I learned right here. A frog taught me how to cross a street." She showed them the Frog Time game. "When my house was haunted, I learned how to eat ghosts." They stopped at a Ghost Maze game. "And this thing taught me how to dance."

She pointed to a dance machine. Crazy Chiu was currently dancing on it, but the game didn't seem to be working.

"I'vebeenjiggingforsevendaysstraight!" Crazy Chiu laughed.

"Uh, Ria?" Bella said, picking up the wire to the dance machine.

"Ssh. Let her have this," Ria said. Stan walked up to a game called 'Insert Token.' He slipped a token into the game. The words 'Congratulations! You win!' appeared and Stan smiled. The screen flashed 'Insert Token!' again. Stan growled.

Meanwhile, Ford was playing a game with Dan. The game was called 'Fight Fighters.' Dan's character was a man called 'Dr. Karate.' Ford was using a female character named Giffany.

"Watch out! Ooh, cut scene!" Ford said. He read the subtitles along the bottom of the screen.

"Dr. Karate! You killed my boyfriend!" Giffany yelled. Dr. Karate grunted. "You take that back!"  

The fight began, with Ford and Dan controlling Giffany and Dr. Karate. Ford cheered on his character and soon won.

"What? No way," Dan laughed. "You cheated!"

"You take that back!" Ford said, attempting to imitate Giffany. Dan nodded at the screen as the second round began.

"I'm gonna punch the ref," Dan said.

"Let's team up on him," Ford said. The two moved their characters to kick and punch, making it look as though they were beating up the referee. Stacey stood nearby, putting up a flyer.

"Danny!" Stacey smiled, walking over. She planted a kiss on Dan's cheek. Ford paused in his playing, looking to read their lips. "What's up, hon? I'm just putting up some flyers for my band. I play lead guitar."

"Cool," Dan smiled. "Hey babe, Ford was just showing me this awesome game."

"Yeah, sweet," Stacey said. She stood Ford's place at the controls. She looked at him. "Hey, how about you sit this one out, ok?"

"But, we just started this round..." Ford trailed off.

"Woah, easy kid!" Stacey said defensively. "I'm just trying to spend some time with my boyfriend."

"It'll just be one round, dude," Dan assured.

"Round three. Fight!"

Stacey and Dan started playing the game.

"Hey, so I'm going camping with my family tomorrow," Dan told Stacey. "So I'm not gonna be around."

"Ok, cool," Stacey nodded, not really paying attention. "Woah, watch out!"

Dan continued playing the game, putting one arm around Stacey's waist. Stacey glared at Ford, who was watching them.

"Hey, don't worry about it, Ford," Bella said, walking up to the saddened Ford. "Come on, let's go play a game. I wanna kill stuff!"

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