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AN: It took a lot of struggle and confusion, but Mabel was able to get subtitles on the TV at the Mystery Shack! So now they're always on.

Stan and Ford were watching a TV show called Ducktechive. Currently the duck, named Ducktechtive, and the constable were investing a crime scene. It looked as though a man had gotten crushed by a telephone booth. There was a bowl of popcorn between Stan and Ford. Stan reached for the bowl, but Ford smacked his hand away.

"I'm afraid your services won't be required here, sir," the constable told Ducktechive. "My men have examined the evidence, and this is obviously an accident."

Ducktechive started quacking, and the subtitles at the bottom of the screen translated his words.

"An accident, constable?" Ducktechive 'said'. "Or was it... murder?!"

"What?!" The constable said, shocked.

That duck is a genius! Stan signed.

Eh, it's easier to find clues if you're that close to the ground, Ford shrugged.

Are you saying you could outwit Ducktechive? Stan asked, not believing.

Stanley, I have very keen powers of observation, Ford signed. For example, just by smelling your breath, I can tell that you've been eating, he sniffed, an entire tube of toothpaste?

I thought it was frosting! Stan defended.

"Hey dudes, you'll never guess what I found!" Ria rushed into the room.

"Buried treasure!" Ford said.

"Buried- hey, I was gonna say that!" Stan shoved his twin playfully.


Ria was leading the twins, Fiddleford, and Bella down a hall.

"So I was cleaning when I came across this room," Ria explained, pushing open a door. "It's super bonkers creepy."

Inside the room was a bunch of wax statues.

"Woah," Ford said, shining a flashlight around. "It's a wax museum."

"They're so lifelike," Bella said, feeling along the arm of wax Sherlock Homles.

"Except for that one," Ford said, pointing the flashlight at their Graunty Mabel.

"Hi there!" Mabel said suddenly, causing the kids and Ria to scream. "No, it's ok! It's just your Graunty Mabel!"

"Oh," Fiddleford sighed in relief.

"Welcome to the Gravity Falls Wax Museum!" Mabel said. "It used to be really popular, but the customers stopped coming. I have them all! Genghis Khan, Sherlock Holmes, some kind of, I don't know, goblin man? Larry King?"

"Is anyone else getting the creeps in here?" Ford asked, shivering.

"Nope!" Bella said. She was busy with placing different Beanie Boos on different sculptures and taking pictures.

"And now, for my personal favorite, wax Abraham Lincoln, right over-" Mabel saw the pile of melted wax. "OH! OH NO! Aww, who left the window open?! Wax John Wilkes Booth, I'm looking at you!" Mabel sighed, kneeling down and playing with the old wax. "It's been forever since I've made one of these. I don't think I have it in me anymore."

"Cheer up, Ms. Pines," Fiddleford said. "Where's that smile?"

Mabel gave a sad smile and stood up, sighing.

"Hey, maybe we could make you another wax sculpture!" Bella suggested. "If you teach us how."

"Yeah, we could do that!" Stan nodded.

Relativity Falls: Deaf Stans Season 1Where stories live. Discover now