~You're Not Him (Scorch Trials)~

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I know like no one is reading this book but I still wanted to keep posting on it cuz yeah.

This is basically like a little remake of the party scene in Scorch Trials :).

3rd Person POV

"Just try to relax." Brenda slurred, putting her arms around Thomas' shoulders. "How?" Thomas asked. "Like this..." Brenda trailed off, then pushing her lips to Thomas' roughly, both almost falling over from the previous drink in their systems. As Thomas pulled away, he saw in place of Brenda, a blonde boy with big brown eyes. "Newt..." he muttered under his breath. He knew it was fake, the drink was messing with his head, but Newts smile and his eyes only showed pure love. Thomas blinked it off, knowing Newt wasn't actually there. His eyes teared up a bit. "No," Thomas started as he pulled away from Brenda's arms, "You're not him." Thomas slurred. Brenda gave a sad nod, disappearing into the wave of drunk people. "Brenda? Brenda!" Thomas called after her, not wanting to lose his friend. He then ran through the crowd, tripping over something and falling. He drifted into an unconscious state as he saw a pair of brown dusty boots running towards him.

As Newt ran toward a now unconscious Thomas, his eyes teared up a bit. Even though Thomas was unconscious, he was okay. Newt kneeled next to Thomas. "You'll be okay Tommy." He whispered, then turning to see Teresa and Minho running towards the pair. "Is he okay?" Teresa asked, a worried look on her face. "I think so, just unconscious." He said. Teresa nodded, relief flooding her face. She looked toward Thomas, then back at Newt. Newt stared at Thomas, looking worried. Teresa put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, causing Newt to look up. "I'm sure he'll wake up soon. He'll be completely fine, he's strong." Teresa said. Newt smiled and nodded, wiping the tears from his eyes. "Thanks." He said to Teresa. She gave a small nod, then helped Newt carry Thomas out of the party.

The pair carried Thomas into a spare room in Marcus' house while Jorge interrogated Marcus in another room with the others. Newt asked Teresa to watch Thomas, she agreed hesitantly. "Don't you want to watch him?" Teresa asked. "I do, but I want to hear what Marcus says, tell me if he asks for me." Newt said. Teresa nodded, then going into the spare room.

After while, Thomas felt himself slipping into consciousness. He opened his eyes to see Teresa. She smiled warmly at him, "Hey, i'm glad you're okay. Newt found you in the party downstairs. He was worried as shuck." Teresa told Thomas. Thomas nodded, "Wait, where is Newt?" He asked. "In the other room." Teresa said. Thomas began to sit up but Teresa stopped him, "I'll go get him for you." She said, standing up. "Thank you. And please send him in alone." Thomas asked. Teresa nodded and smiled, then leaving the room.

Newt sat by a chair that Aris sat in, watching the interrogation. He looked over to the room Thomas was in, to see Teresa slip out of the door. She crept over to Newt, trying to to bother Jorge. "He wants to see you. Alone." Teresa told Newt quietly. Newt nodded, "Thanks." He said. She nodded, then pushing him lightly toward the door, "Go get him!" She mouthed. Newt rolled his eyes and walked over to the door.

Thomas waited patiently for Newt. He stared at the wall next to him as he waited. After a few moments, he heard the door open. Relief flooded him as he saw Newt walk into the room, closing the door behind him. "Hey Tommy." Newt said softly, kneeling next to Thomas. "Newt! Shuck, you're okay!" Thomas said, hugging Newt for a few seconds, before pulling away. "Me? Okay? Tommy, have you seen yourself?" Newt said while chuckling. Thomas blushed a tiny bit, then grabbing Newts hands in his. "I was worried about you when we got seperated..." Thomas told the blonde boy softly while stroking Newts hands with his thumbs. "You don't need to worry about me Tommy..." Newt whispered, squeezing Thomas' hand lightly. They both stared at their intertwined hands, smiling and blushing. "Newt..." Thomas whispered, getting a hummed reply from the brit. "When I went in the party, Brenda kissed me." Thomas started. A pang of jealousy shot through Newt, but he hid it. "And, when we pulled away, I didn't see her there. I know it was the drug thing they gave us, but I saw you instead." Thomas explained. Newt blushed widly. "I then blinked it away. I told her that we shouldn't kiss again because... she wasn't you.You don't even know how badly I wished it was you..." Thomas said, his voice low and quiet. Newt was smiling warmly at Thomas, blushing like crazy. Thomas sat up while Newt chuckled a bit, "You don't even want to know how bloody happy that makes me." Newt said with another smile, then biting his lip. In that moment, Thomas knew it. He was done for. "Shuck it. Shuck it all." Thomas said, pulling Newt's lips onto his. Thomas leaned his back against the wall while they kissed. Newt's arms went around Thomas' lower back while Thomas' went to Newt's shoulders. Their lips moved around, then finding a pattern. Thomas' arms went down to Newt's waist. They pulled away to catch their breaths. "Tommy..." Newt whispered, sliding his hand up to Thomas' shoulder, "I bloody love you." He said. Thomas grinned, then pulled Newt into a rough kiss that lasted a few seconds, then he pulled away. "I love you too Newt. So much." Thomas breathed out. They then went in again once their breath was caught. Soon enough, they were making out.

After a few minutes, Newt pulled away from Thomas. "We should probably go out to the others." He breathed out. Thomas agreed, then getting helped up by Newt. Once Thomas was standing, he hugged Newt. "I'm glad you're my Newtie now." Thomas whispered, stroking Newt's hair. Newt sighed with content, then pulled away. He gave Thomas one last peck on the lips before they left the room with their hands intertwined.

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