~Wound Treatment~

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Here's another Newtmas oneshot for y'all :)

"Really Newt! I'm fine! I promise." Thomas insisted. He was really not that fine. He had just gotten his stomach area all scratched up in the maze. Newt sat down by his side, "No Tommy, you are very hurt, okay? Just let me bloody help you." Newt said sternly.
"But Clint and Je-"
"They're busy helping the other runners that got hurt so please," His voice softened, "Just let me help you Tommy."
Thomas sighed. It wasn't that he didn't want Newt there or want him to help, he actually really did. He really really liked Newt and wanted him there, but he was also worried it'd get awkward. But honestly, what could happen?
"Fine." Thomas huffed, crossing his arms like a kid. Newt smiled with victory then left to go get some bandages and warm water. Thomas groaned, "This is gonna be weird...".

When Newt came back up he set the warm water and some cloth on a small table. He began to unroll the bandages. Newt looked up for a second while talking, "You're gonna have to take your shirt off." He said it like it was nothing. "Uhh..." Thomas hesitated, making Newt look back up.
"Come on Tommy, it's filthy anyways."
Thomas huffed again, giving in and taking his shirt off. Newt had now finished unraveling the first bandage, then wrapping it around a wound on Thomas' upper arm.
Thomas looked at Newt who seemed completely unbothered by the whole thing.
Little did he know, Newt was actually freaking out inside. Newt had to try hard not to stare at Thomas' muscles and focus on bandaging him up.
When Newt had finished the first arm bandage he searched Thomas' arms for other wounds, finding none. He then turned, grabbing the warm water and cloth. He turned back, dipping the warm cloth then dabbing it onto Thomas' stomach wound. Newt was blushing like crazy, but Thomas was oblivious to it, kind of stuck in some sort of fantasy daydream while staring at Newt.
Newt soon noticed Thomas' staring. "Tommy? You okay?" He asked.
Thomas shook out of his daze, "Uhh, yeah. Sorry."
Newt smiled, going back to Thomas' wound. Newt put the water back, grabbing a bigger bandage. "Do you think you could sit up a bit Tommy?" Newt asked. Thomas nodded, sitting up. Both of their faces were very close, staying for a second as they made eye contact, but Newt quickly looked away, beginning to bandage Thomas' stomach.
Thomas took this time to appreciate Newt's angelic beauty up close.
Newt's beautiful chocolate brown eyes were focusing on the bandages. His hair looked all fluffy like always, despite the sweat on his forehead. His whole facial expression showed concentration, his lips curved into small frown (which he did whenever he concentrated). His face looked kind of cute, his lips also looked pretty kissable.
"Is this the part like in the movies where we kiss?" Thomas asked jokingly.
Newt's eye widened a bit as he froze.
"W-what do yo-ou m-mean T-Tommy-y?" Newt stuttered, looking up at Thomas.
"I mean," He paused, brushing a piece of Newt's hair behind his ear and lowered his voice to a whisper, "I want to kiss you, Newt."
This whisper and gesture sent shivers down Newt's spine. His lips parted in surprise as he stared at Thomas, not breaking eye contact as he spoke, "B-bu-" He stuttered, then shaking his head, "No T-Tommy, y-you've lost a lot of blood. You probably don't even know what you're saying right now." Newt finished, securing the bandage, pretending to occupy himself with that. Thomas put a finger under Newt's chin, making the flustered boy look up. "I know exactly what I'm saying Newt." Thomas whispered. Newt looked into Thomas' eyes. He could tell he wasn't lying, his face softening and unknowingly getting closer. Thomas put his hand on Newt's cheek softly, looking Newt straight in the eye with lust clouding both their thoughts.
Thomas slowly closed the gap in between the two, pressing his lips to Newt's. This made a needy sound escape from Newt as he placed his arms loosely on Thomas' shoulders, playing with his hair. Thomas wrapped his arms around Newt's waist. Their lips moved together in a messy fashion, both both boys didn't care at all.
Both boys jumped apart when they heard Minho's voice in the doorway, "Hey guys- OH MY SHUCK."
They both looked over at Minho who was smiling at the two, "FINALLY!!" He ran out the door screaming to the others, "NEWTMAS IS FINALLY CANNON!"
Newt turned to Thomas, chuckling. "Newtmas?" Thomas asked laughing. Newt shrugged, "No bloody idea." He said, smiling and laughing.

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