~Valentines Day (AU)~

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Happy Valentine's Day!

So since I'm single and lonely I decided to write this oneshot for Valentines Day about our adorable gay children :3 It's short but cute :D


3rd Person POV

"Newtie" Newt heard his boyfriend whisper, trying to wake him up. Newt groan, moving slightly.


"What?" Newt asked in a small but tired voice.

"Wake uuuup!" Thomas said extending the 'u'.

"No" Newt whined, curling into a small ball.

"Neewwwttiiieee! Please?" Thomas whined, Newt assumed he was pouting.

Newt sighed, opening his eyes and peeking slightly from the pile of blankets that covered him. He gasped and hid under them again, "Tommy! You shouldn't have." He said, his voice muffled by the blankets.

Thomas held some flower, a box of chocolates and a card for him, "But I did" He replied to his boyfriend, placing the stuff down and sitting by him on the bed. Newt came out from hiding in the covers and threw his arms around Thomas' neck.

"I love you so bloody much it's insane." He said into Thomas' shirt as he rested his head on Thomas' chest. Thomas chuckled and ruffled the blonde's hair, "I love you too, more than anything or anyone." He told Newt, his voice in a low whisper. Newt pulled his head back slightly, grinning widely and blushing, which made Thomas smile.

They then leaned in and pressed their lips together in a soft and lazy but powerful and meaningful kiss. Their lips moved together slowly and their arms stayed wrapped around each other tightly.

They held the kiss for about 30 seconds, then broke it, their smiles growing on their faces again. Newt let his head fall onto Thomas' chest again, moving his whole body to curl up into Thomas' lap. Thomas sighed happily, smiling down at his adorable and beautiful boyfriend and playing with his golden hair.

After a couple minutes, Thomas moved slightly, grabbing the card and handing it to Newt. "Read it." He said, his voice still having happiness and love laced into it.

Newt opened up the handmade card, his smiling growing as he read it:

Dear Newtie,

When we first met I honestly had no idea that you would be so important to me. And I definitely didn't expect for you to be so shucking amazing that I would find myself madly in love you. These 2 years have been so amazing and I'm excited to see what the rest of our years together will look like. But for now, I just want you to know how much I love you. You seriously are my whole entire world, my whole universe. I love everything about you and I could talk about each little detail I love about you for hours. It's insane. So, yes. I love you a whole lot! Happy Valentines day, my lovely.


Thomas, xoxoxo

Newt blushed wildly and closed the card, placing it down then turning to his boyfriend, "I love you so bloody much Tommy, it hurts sometimes. You're also my universe as well. I love you, love." Newt said, then pressing his lips to Thomas' again.

~The Maze Runner: Newtmas Oneshots~Where stories live. Discover now