~My Beautiful Flower (AU Request)~

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Okay, so this was requested by @GazingGrethan

Thanks for the prompt! I hope I did well with writing this :) (I added a bit at the end)

I'm excited for this one cuz it's probably something that I wouldn't have come up with, but still seems fun!

This includes:

Feminine! Newt and Masculine! Thomas

I hope you all enjoy!

3rd Person POV

A bit of background info:

Newt is a 15-year-old boy. Newt is different from the other boys; most of his friends are girls, he enjoys wearing girls clothes and "girly" activities (such as manicures or pedicures, going to the mall, etc.). He is also gay and has a boyfriend; Thomas.

Thomas is 16. He lives on his own and visits Newt a lot. He's pretty tall and muscular, he has tattoos on his arms and chest, and he has two piercings above his right eyebrow. He can seem pretty intimidating, but he's a huge sweetheart and loves Newt with all of his heart.

Now to the story:

Newt got home from school, stepping through the door, and closing it behind himself. He took off his shoes then went running to his sister's room. 

Him and his sister Sonya lived in an apartment (Their dad had died when Sonya was 2 and Newt was 4. Their mom worked a lot now).

"Sonya! I'm home!" Newt said, walking through her pink door.

Sonya looked up from her computer, smiling, "Hey Newtie! Is it okay if I go to Harriets in a little bit for the night?" She asked.

"Sure." Newt said, then leaving her room and closing the door. 

He walked down the hall to his room, putting his purple backpack down by his desk.

Newt looked around his room, quickly seeing their bullmastiff, Max, sleeping on his bed. He smiled, then sitting at his desk to finish his homework.


After Newt had finished his homework and Sonya had left, Newt decided to eat and feed Max.

He made himself some pasta, then pouring some of the dog food into Max's food bowl.

He smiled at Max as the dog practically devoured the dog food. Newt then went back to eating his own dinner


After eating dinner, Newt decided to take a shower.

He went to his room, grabbing some short but comfortable pajama pants and one of Thomas' sweatshirts that he had let Newt keep. The sweatshirt was pretty big on him, but he didn't care at all.

He looked at the sweatshirt with a smile, thinking about his lovely boyfriend.

Newt then got into the shower, still thinking about Thomas.

He considered himself really lucky that Thomas accepted Newt's liking for feminine things, especially since most boys at school found it weird.

After his shower, Newt got dressed, then went into his room. He sat on his bed with Max, watching Riverdale on his TV.

He soon checked the time (11:48pm/23:48), quickly realizing it was late, but he wasn't tired. Newt sighed, looking down at his pedicured feet, then looking at Max who was sleeping beside him.

He sighed again, then picking up his phone and calling Thomas, who answered right away.

"Hey Newtie, you okay?" Newt heard Thomas' voice say through the phone.

"Yeah, I'm just bored... wanna come over?" Newt asked.

"Sure, already on my way." Thomas replied.

"Can you bring some food too?" Newt asked.

"Anything for you, my love." Thomas said softly.

Newt blushed a light red color, "Thanks Tommy. See you soon."

"See ya!"


About 20 minutes later, Newt heard a knock at the door.

He jumped out of his bed instantly, running to the door with Max following closely.

Newt opened up the door to see Thomas in some grey sweatpants and a jacket that was unzipped with no shirt underneath. He carried some bags with him too. Newt let him in and Thomas dropped the bags, allowing Newt to jump into his arms, wrapping his arms around Thomas' neck and legs around his waist.

"Well hello there, my pretty boy." Thomas said with a chuckle.

Newt giggled, then quickly connecting their lips for a soft kiss.

They moved their lips together slowly, kissing sweetly for about 30 seconds. They then pulled away slowly, resting their foreheads together. Thomas still had his eyes closed, smiling like crazy. He sighed, "I love you so much." He whispered, making Newt smile. "I love you too." 

The two watched TV for a while, cuddling.

Soon Thomas remembered something he had for Newt. He let out a gasp, "I'll be right back, I have something for you!" Thomas said, climbing out of the bed and rummaging through the bags. Newt sat up, raising his eyebrows curiously at his boyfriend.

Thomas soon found what he was looking for, sitting on the edge of the bed. He took Newt's hands into his, "Here, hold your hands out and close your eyes." Thomas told him. Newt giggled a bit, then closing his eyes and holding his hands out.

He felt Thomas place something cold in his hands, "You can open your eyes now, my lovely." Thomas told him.

Newt opened his eyes and saw a ring in his hands. He looked at Thomas, "Is this a proposal?" He asked.

Thomas chuckled, "No, it's a promise." Thomas said, putting the ring on Newt's right ring finger, "I have one too. It's a promise that we will always love each other and maybe even get married someday." Thomas explained, holding Newt's hands in his.

Newt smiled, "Thank you, Tommy." Newt said happily, pressing a soft kiss to Thomas' lips.

"You're very welcome, my beautiful flower."

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