~I Found You (AU)~

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This is an AU where after the books (or movies), they are all woken up from this dream experiment and sent back to their families. So Thomas doesn't know that Newt is alive but he will :).

3rd Person POV

Thomas got out of the car that drove him to his home, to his family.
He barely remembered them.

He was told that the memories would start coming back soon, but as of now He didn't remember anything before the maze still.

Thomas walked up the front steps to the door of the house, knocking on the door. It opened to reveal... Teresa?
"Tom! You're back!" She said happily, pulling me into a hug.
"Wha- I'm so confused..." he said, hugging her back. Teresa pulled away, bringing Thomas inside.
"We're siblings." She said while leading Thomas to the kitchen.
"Oh, cool." He said while they stopped in the kitchen.
"You hungry?" Teresa asked.
Thomas shook his head, "but I'm glad I actually know someone from my past life already." Thomas said, truly relieved. Teresa smiled.
"Also, I met Minho and Harriet's parents. They live down the street." Teresa explained. "Oh my gosh! They're siblings?" Thomas asked, Teresa nodding. "So I can see all three of you every day. That's good." He said, smiling.
Teresa was smiling too.
But soon enough, Thomas smile faded as he looked up to Teresa. "What is it Tom?" Teresa asked.
"Newt." He said to her.

Teresa knew Thomas had liked the boy. Thomas had only told Teresa about his feelings. Little did he know, Newt had returned the feelings.

"I think he lives in England... I'm sorry Tom... but we'll find him." She said, putting her hand on his shoulder. "I know we will." She added with a smile.
"Thanks Tes." Thomas said, hugging his sister.


Meanwhile in London, Sonya had come home to Newt, discovering that he was her brother.

Now, Newt sat in his dark room, staring out the window at the moon. He was deep in thought. He missed all of his friends, especially Thomas, and all of them didn't even know he was alive. Well, except Sonya.
He sighed, still looking to the moon, a sweet thought popped into his head. He thought that maybe, wherever Thomas was, he was looking at the moon too.

Unless the time difference was too big.

But for now, he just hoped that Thomas was also looking at the moon.
Newt then sighed again, laying on his bed and pulling the covers over himself.


What Newt didn't know, was that Thomas was actually also looking at the moon.

Thomas sighed with a hand holding his head up. "Wherever you are, Newt, I will find you." Thomas whispered to himself, "I promise."

~Timeskip :3~

About 9 months later,  Thomas had still not given up hope.  After school he would try to come up with ways to find Newt, Minho helping. However, they were still trying to find out where he lived. They tried to find him on social medias, but they couldn't think of his username, and they didn't know his last name.

Thomas huffed in frustration, sitting back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. "Will we ever find him, Min?" Thomas asked. Minho sighed, putting an arm on Thomas' shoulder, "We will. It may take a while, but I know we will." Minho reassured him. Thomas gave a small smile, "Thanks."

After Minho had left, Thomas layed on top of his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He was lost in deep thought.
He thought of how many times he could've told Newt about his feelings.
Or just the many sweet memories he had of Newt. (These are based off of movie stuff, and some added Newtmas :))
Like when he had just arrived in the glade, just discovering that he liked Newt, when they sat by the bonfire.
Or when they sat together on the helicopter, Newt had taken Thomas' hand and told him it would be okay.
Also when Newt comforted him in the Scorch, by their campfire.

Thomas by now was teary, deciding to stop thinking about this and go to sleep.

-The Next Day-

Thomas walked down the street, going to a cafe to meet up with Minho.
He looked at the ground, watching his feet with his hands in his pockets.
He then looked up, then also running into someone.
He looked back to the person- boy he had run into.

It wasn't just anyone, it was Newt.

They both stared at each other in shock,  Thomas now having no idea how to breath.
There Newt was, dressed in some fitted blue jeans, a baggy red jacket, white converse and big headphones around his neck. He looked like he did before all of the crank stuff, with his big brown eyes and fluffy blonde hair.

Newt notice how Thomas had changed a bit. His hair now had a newer style (Imagine Stiles' hair from season 3 :D) He wore a blue t-shirt, some black jeans and black vans, which was also a different style, but he was still Thomas. Newt could tell by the innocent look Thomas always had in his pretty eyes, it was still there.

Once both had gotten over the shock wave, they both jumped towards each other, wrapping their arms tightly around each other and crying.

Thomas had both arms around Newt's neck, one hand in Newt's hair. Newt's arms were around Thomas' mid back. "Oh my god..." Thomas muttered, stroking Newt's hair.
"It's you... It's really you... Oh my god..." Thomas whispered.
Newt chuckled, which was a beautiful sound, "Yeah... It's me." He whispered, closing his eyes and squeezing Thomas tighter.

"How?" Thomas asked.

"My mum decided to move here." Newt told him.
"I can't believe it!" Thomas said happily. He pulled away slightly, cupping Newt's face in his hands, "I finally found you..." He whispered. Newt smiled warmly, putting his hand up to one of Thomas' and taking it into his own. Thomas smiled widely, he was so happy that Newt was finally in his arms. Which made him remember, he still hadn't told Newt that he loves him...

So he did.

"Newt, I-I need to tell you something... something that I should've told you before." Thomas said softly. Newt tilted his head in light confusion, his eyebrows drawing together.
Thomas took a deep breath, "So... gosh. Where do I start? Umm... so, ever since I had met you, I felt something different about you... This... feeling, it grew every day.  And when I realized that you were alive, I knew I had to find you... I had thought about how I could find you for 9 months... And now that I have, I feel more- complete. Because... I love you." Thomas explained.

Newt now looked at the boy with shock and happiness spread across his face. His mouth had dropped, but now his lips pulled into a big smile. "Bloody hell, I thought you'd never say it." Newt said happily. "Wh-" Thomas was cut off by Newt, "I love you too Tommy." Newt whispered. Thomas grinned widely.

Thomas then pressed his lips to Newts for a long awaited kiss. Newts lips were soft and moved slowly against his own. They had both wrapped their arms tight around each other again.
However, soon they were cut off by Minho's ringtone playing on Thomas' phone. They pulled away, Thomas groaning while grabbing his phone and answering.
"Hey Minho, what is it?" He said, annoyance laced through his voice. Newt's eyes widened at Minho's name. He hadn't seen Minho in a long time either.
"What is it?? You're late, shank!" Minho said through the phone.
"Oh shuck! I'm sorry, I ran into someone, you'll never believe who it is! I'm coming now." Thomas said, hanging up.

"Can you come with me to see Minho?" Thomas asked, Newt nodding. Thomas grinned, taking one of Newt's hands into his as he took Newt to the cafe.

They saw Minho who sat at an outside table. He looked up from his phone, his jaw dropping in shock. He stood up, "Oh my shucking god!" He said, running over to them and hugging Newt.
He pulled away, looking between Thomas and Newt, "Wha- How??" Minho said, happy but still shocked. "Well... It's kind of a long story..." Newt said, looking to Thomas and taking Thomas' hand into his own.
"Shuck, wait. Are you two a thing?" Minho asked.
Thomas blushed, turning to Newt, "I guess." He said shyly. Newt smiled. "Finally!!" Minho shouted, hugging the two boys.

~The Maze Runner: Newtmas Oneshots~Where stories live. Discover now