chapter 1 /chem

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"Tayla baby time go school"- mom
Ugh this sucks going to school, mom drop me off and i went to the front doors to wait for my friend minde, but she was taking forever...

1st period came a round fast then 6th was Mr.losee he was pretty fun teacher.. he went little easy on me because how close him and my dad was but sometime he would bring me home every once in while because my parent couldnt make it..... but this time when he was bringing me home it was odd, we pull up to my house and he got out but my parents where there....

** walk in ***
" Tayla sweety we need to talk "
"What now mom"
"Um where leaving for 6 and 1/2 months because of work and we dont want you to belone so we trust Jame to watch you"
I didnt know what to think or to say or feel...... but i ask ..... when are you going...
"Tomorrows so pack your bags"
***walk to my room with out saying anything

Next morning i said my goodbye....

I heard a honk and Jame was out there picking me up, thank god it was a weekend to settle in

His house was pretty big for him..
He made dinner for me amd we talk for a while... it was the first time i ever relise he was pretty cool guy... and kinda cute but i couldnt think about that because he's 25 and im only 17...
Jame showed me my room it was bigger then mine at home.. i thank him, and started to unpack but there was a loud sound from down stairs so i went down there and he drop a cup...

god damn you you al most gave me a heart attack...

Sorry didnt mean to Tayla i was gonna have a drink or 2, want to join?

Umm Jame yeah i would like too.. i was thinkimg i never really drank with a teacher before but i guess there a first to everything...

**1 hour later
Jame i feel a little drunk i think im going to bed...-T

Tayla wait i want you stay for a second..-j

Jame started to get a little close to now but i couldnt doing anything but i froze because i like him a little to much....
Couple seconds later he was pinning me against the wall i move my head closer to his lips... he started to kiss me soft at first and put his tongue on my lips to let me open up and i did he felt so amazing having him kissing me amd having his tongue in my mouth..

Dad Bestfriend/ TeacherTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang