chapter 2/remember

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After he got done kissing me i went to my room with butterflies i never ever felt this before with anyone else... and i look down and seen my panties where little wet..

Next day..

Alarm going off

I was down to see that breakfast was done and sit down to eat...
Goodmorning Tayla how did you sleep last night


But i was thinking was he to drunk to remember? or was it a mistake because him and my dad were friend or my teacher but i could help but started to have feeling for him and how am i going spend every day with him....

After breakfast he ask me" ready to go?" we get in the car both sit down at same time and our hands touch and i felt butterflies and blush when i look at him... he gave me a smile and started to drive to school
Got there like usually i wait for my friend but i needed talk to Mr.losee so i started to head to his room, but the time i got to 307 i heard a voice but it wasn't him it was a lady voice... i peek in a little to see who he was talking to and it was Miss.Peter.. she was sitting there flirting with him and touching his hand i was little jelouse and was getting mad because i like him soo i

hello come in Tayla what brimg you here..-j


Hey ill meet up with you later;)...p

Okay and yes Tayla

Um i wanted ask you when we are leaving school today...

Oh umm maybe 4 i know it little late but i need put papers away

Okay see you 6th..

I got to my 1st period and still was a little angry because of her but i couldnt do anything she was his age..

1-4 period went by to slow and i wanted to see him bad.. but i had lunch i gone into my bag and search for my money but i relise it was on the table. I guess i need to go up to jame room and see if maybe he can borrow me money but i also just wanted to see his face and his soft lips... i get up there and see miss. Peter leaving. anger grew a little and i walk in and seen lipstick on his mouth my heart sank AND i wanted to cry a little...but i just ask for a $20 and left in rush he tried stop me but i just kept walking..

lunch was over

I had to see him but i didnt want to face him at all so i put headphone in and ignore his whole lesson and was textimg my friend Aidan to give ride over Mr.losee /jame/ but at night i just could not face him so i hurried to be the first one out the door so he cloudnt talk to me...he was calling for a hour and i ignore him but then he texted me

James losee
*** where are you
** are you riding with me...?
** im worried ill talk to you when your at my house...
** text me back so ik your safe please...

***Im fine ill be there later

Okay good...

I tried walk in quiet so i didnt have to see him he heard me and greeted me and ask what was wrong because i was acting strange so i told him
""You kissed me remeber and then i see lipstick on you i mean you might just have been drunk and didnt know what you where doing but i bet you remeber it and at least could of talk about it set thing right --t

Hey im sorry i do remeber because you have soft lips and i wanted talk to you but i couldnt because i didnt want it to be awkward for you talk about... i didnt know if you where uncomfortable because i was the one that pin you against a wall and didnt let you go...j

No i wasn't uncomfortable i love it, your hot and sexy and you have softest lips i ever had... i would love you to do it again but you wouldnt....t

After i said that Jame grabs my waist and pushes me on the couch and i put my legs around him after we started to kiss then he slid his toungue in my mouth. i felt butterflies. I want him to take my virginity.. so i unbutton his pants to start rubbing his d*ck..
Someone at the door I said so he got up and check who it was, but before he open the door he made sure his pants where button up and his d*ck didnt look hard but you could tell... oh shit

** it was.....

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