chapter 9?

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After I came out Mr.losse class I seen Tyler standing there looking confused..

Hey I was looking everywhere for you :(... Tyler
Sorry I needed a break and just sit so I went in there... Tayla

I told him I was going to class and i didnt want to be late so I hurried down the stairs to my first period. I walk in and saw miss.Peter at the desk sitting there on her phone.. so I hurried and took a seat and then she notice me and glare at me, I felt uncomfortable so I turn my head acting like I didn't know she was staring at me but then I turn my head back I seen her walking up to me... shit shit what am I gonna say

Tayla can you run attendance down after I roll call
I nodded my head
Oh yeah another thing I would go to the bathroom and cover that up...p
Sorry miss.peter and thank you...
Yeah no problem so who gave it to you...
....Shit ummm what I gonna say...
My boyfriend Tyler
Ahh I see
She walk away i was so nervous still I just walk out and went to the bathroom and cover my hickey up and i have think of a plan to male Tyler give me a hickey there so he doesn't expect anything or miss.peter ask him about it.... ughhh my world gonna shatter in my brain...

My periods went pretty fast I was already heading to 6th to see mr.losse (james) I was excited to see him but also pissed becaise I told him not give me a hickey in plane site... I walk in to see mr.losse and miss.peter talking but it like to gonna do anything becauseother kid wherein here I glare at him and sat down I got text from Tyler telling me meet him now but I couldn't leave class so I just text Jame and told him I had leave for couple minute so I raised my hand and told him I had go and he just nodded...

Tyler.. what do you need?

Hey sorry but I can't wait.... what are we..
I don't .....tyler inturup me

We where so close now you seem so distance... I love you but I don't want ruin our friendship and I feel like I pressure you into dating me because I made you feel bad about your self for letting me down...t

Tyler I do have feeling for you but it not same I feel the same too...

Okay so we are done


I walk to class thinking about how or where he got the idea to dump me but it doesn't matter to me i got james

Walking to his class to finish 6th I got a text from him, I was only down the hall from his class too
Hey baby I love you to and i can't wait to go the appointment:).....

Wait what is talking about.... is she.... pregnant??
Man this worst feeling ever it post to be me....
I was walk outside I can't face him now how is gonna explain that he got the girl thathe aloud be in public and love by his parent that he got her pregnant....
I felt sick to my stomach and walk to my house I think I'm gonna stay there for rest of the of the 2 month

Jame kept texting and calling but Ignore it for the week and just skip his class I kinda didn't care if I flunk his class becaise I can't be near him hurt to much I let my feeling get in the way of something that I knew was wrong.....
I actually went to his class and i look at him and sat down to see him staring at me with surprised but I just sat there listening to music.... but mostly sad song I knew I hurt but it doesn't matter becauseif I kept sleeping with him I would of probably got pregnant to and that will never happen well at least form a while

3 week past since I got thay text and i haven't talk to him for a while
But put of no where I got grab and i was ready to punch someone and notice it was james he explain everything but it didn't matter I can't be with him

What the fuck are you

Sorry didnt mean to scare you but we need talk about whay happen....j

It doesn't

She was pregnant this whole time she 4 month along and she never told me because when she found out, I got with you and dump her and now I need be here for my baby..

I tears coming down my face

I ruined every thing....

Okay guy I don't if I want to do a time jump where she graduate and went to college and then her old flame gets re lit what do you guys think? But for now she just leaves jame with Ashley and her kid or I keep writing the story

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