chapter 5/ignored

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As we where heading out to car I smile at him and blush he look at me and started to smile to but I kept thinking that my parents can't know that I with him because then I could never stay with him so we get to his car I open the door to get in and then he got in and said I missed you so much and i also missed him so much to,I want to wake up to his good morning kisses but we had a couple more day and then I can be in his arm again

I seen my friend waiting for me but I wanted to stay with Mr.losee instead so I told her I had make a test up but I felt bad because for couple weeks I blew her off to be with him

We get to his room I lock his door and kiss him, god all i can think he was special but then people where wondering why I'm always with him, and why I'm not dating anyone ether but I can't tell anyone in with him because it ruin his career and i can't do that. ..

After i left his class met up with Aidan and tyler, they where joking with me saying I came out of the dark... but I laugh because I spent my whole time with Jame. By 4th period we went to lunch and when we got back Tyler wanted talk to me so I told him meet by mr.losee room by the bathroom because my 5th 317 wasn't far from the guy I like. 15 min later Tyler met me.
Hey Tyler what did you want to say-
I wanted to say that I like you a lot -tyler
But i didnt say anything because I couldn't tell him my love was just down the hall, so what would I say but then Tyler got me back to a wall and started to kiss me but I broke it up and I told him i was in a relationship and hopefully he never finds out who...
But then Tyler back up and went to class and i seen Jame standing there and he look pissed and just turn around and i was trying to stop him and then couple teacher came up to him, so I couldn't talk to him i felt mad and sad that he turn around and didnt say anything but by time 6th period came along I didn't want to see him because that whole hour he ignore me...
I walk in and sat there and he just glare at me and then he started ask question about the lesson and i raised my hand to answers and he seen me but ignore it, I  started to get piss and just got up and left, I was walking around the school until class was over... I just went into the bathroom and cried for a while I didn't know what to do...

I finally got a text from him and he ask where I was and i didnt reply I just went home.

Dinner time

I heard his voice my parent ask if I was coming down but I didn't want see him so I  said I was sick..... while I heard all of them laughing, I couldn't believe he show up and ate dinner with my parents but then the other side he did promise them couple day ago to sit down and eat...

Next day

My parent said goodbye to me and ask if they wanted Jame to pick me up or I was gonna call him, but I didn't want to see him so I told after I'm done packing I'll call...

Couple hours later I just laid in bed thinking how am i gonna face him because it feel like we are over so I walk over there and knock he open and told me come in, and told me he of could pick me up but I just Ignore him and walk up stair but I just sat on the bed thinking what to do and did I regret giving him my virginity but I didn't he was special...

Knock knock

I said come in and he sat there next to me and said sorry but I sat there tearing up....

I know I should of let you explain but I love you and I was so fucking mad that he kissed you like that..-j

Yeah I know but I made sure i broke it up saying I was with someone...
"I can't believe he said it i love you my hearted started beat fast and my butterflies came back..

I love you to james...-t

He smile

He left and went down and called me down for dinner I sat there eating but couldn't stop thinking about what he said...

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