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Frisk POV~

A horrible scene met my eyes.The determination extractor was making a rumbling sound,telling me it was active.

Time Skip after dialogue (Im too lazy to write it again)~

"Y-your-a-jerk,"I backed away."See,If u were in his place,He would already be in a full on battle with me-heck,hed even use a strong attack,"Gaster looked thoughtful."He tries to not hurt anyone,but he made me a promise,"I muttered,tears coming down my cheeks.I closed my eyes.

"Your such a crybaby Asriel,".

"Your such a crybaby Frisk,".

Cory and the unidentifiable voice spoke at the same time.I opened my eyes to see the Extractor on.I don't try to hold it in anymore.My screams come out louder than a stampede.They are all I hear.Until,they suddenly stop.I look up,and see Asriel standing in front of me.Hate stirrs up in my gut.I don't know why,hes my friend after all."Asriel,"I grit my teeth."Hey-"Asriel starts.I punch him in the chest several times"You-"Punch."-Dirty-"Punch."-Friend-".Punch."-Killer-".I stopped.I didn't know why I said that,but I did."Frisk,your feeling hate-because your not from here,"Asriel stated."What-What do You-?"I start."You and Cory are from another universe,a more gruesome end awaited you,Cory specifically,"Asriel put a hand on my shoulder."What-what happens to him?"I ask,my voice cracking."He-he-"Asriel takes a deep breath."-Dies------by me,".I felt the surge of hate again."Use that hate on Gaster,will ya,dont get get out of hand,many have lost themselves to hate,"Asriel disappeared,replaced by the true lab.I walked up to Gaster,who was by a keypad."Invisi,"I whispered."Hason Shita,".The keypad started to give off electricity.Then,I saw Cory behind me.How'd he get there?"Hey,"He waved.He redirected his haze to Gaster and dropped his smile.I noticed something different about Cory.His lenses was red,but his eye was still blue."I'll take you on any day,"Cory told him."Why not now?"Gaster smirked at the space behind Cory.The fight buttons appeared in front of us."Cory,dont give him what he wants.."I begged."Dont tell me what to do,"He snapped at me.He never did that."Kirai,"He pressed the fight button.Wind seemed to spread like ripples around him as he pulled out his now black knife.I could see Sans' reflection in it.But Sans wasn't there."Kirai,"I took a deep breath.It means hate.Thats what Cory meant.

'It'll go away in a bit,I was just using magic with something other than determination,'Cory's voice told me.

He had been using hate to fight.

Cory disappeared and reappeared behind Gaster and slashed him in half.23/100 HP.Another slash.10/100 hp.Another hit.0/100.I watched as Gaster turned to a pile of dust."I thought u were past this,"I walked to stand next to him."What?"He looked at me questioningly."What happened?"I asked him."Nothing..."He looked away from me.His lense was normal again.

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