empty | AU (1)

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category: series
subcategory: alternate universe — soulmate
ex. a universe where every individual is meant for another; it is up to the universe whether they are found

third person
warnings: possibly mature language, a lil' fluff
word count: 1,550
2:33 pm | this life seems so empty

There is whole world of people that you had not discovered yet, a whole city of people you had not met yet. This world, those cities, those people, were filled with millions of different souls, different lives, different stories. In one of those souls, in one of those lives, in one of those stories, there was one that was meant only for you.

The universe had a funny way of perfecting its imbalance. For you and for the rest of the world, it was finding that one person that was yours. That individual that had the answers to all your problems, that amazing person that had the key to unlocking what had been missing your whole life.

Sometimes you found them with matching markings, with personalized timers, with a road laid out just for you. There was always some way to find your special someone, it was just up to the universe to decide when the time was right.

It was such a strange feeling. Everyone knew when they had found their soulmate. There was a peculiar feeling that rested in everyone's chest. It felt like something was empty, like something was missing, like it needed to be filled. And as much as people tried to find a way to shut out that lost piece, it was always nagging in the back of your mind. It was a constant reminder that you had not met that special someone, a constant memorandum that you were alone. It was not easy to ignore, and it was even more frustrating to try and understand. They said you would only understand it once it was gone; but what if it never left?

There was a stream of water running down the street, collecting in the gutter. It had rained the day before, the cool fifty degree weather a bitter comparison to the feeling in your heart. You weren't a mean person, but it was hard not to give into the cold when it seemed to encase your body sometimes. That emptiness was so hard to put to the side; it made you anxious to find its cure.

You pulled your coat tighter around your body. You kicked the fall leaves out of the way, shifting your backpack onto the other shoulder. Your glasses were starting to fall down your nose, and you had to scrunch your nose as you pushed them back up your face. They settled around your eyes, and you let out a breath. The hot air from your mouth met the atmosphere, creating a cloud in front of you.

You were terribly blind, you felt. Your prescription for your glasses was so severe, you couldn't see your hands in front of your face if you went without them. You hated having bad eyesight; it was an inconvenience at the worst of times you felt. When you wanted to workout, when you wanted to take pictures in the sun, when you simply just wanted to nap and watch television on your side.

Your thoughts came away from you as you looked up at the height of your apartment building. A long day of school and difficult classes and a not-so-hot lunch just called for a good nap. But first, you decided, coffee.

The way people met their soulmates differed. Some saw colors for the first time, some felt each other's pain, some people had special brands or enigmas on their body. The stories were always strange but beautiful when people met their true love. They were always genuine, always good, always ending in kisses and two people reminiscing about love at first sight.

There was probably nothing greater than that moment; there was probably nothing better than realizing you were staring at the one that the universe had made just for you. How lucky would you feel? Would you ever feel it?

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