two | AU (5)

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category: series
subcategory: alternate universe — soulmate
ex. a universe where every individual is meant for another; it is up to the universe whether they are found

previously: maybe you're just looking at it all wrong
continuing: why does it feel like he has all the answers?

third person
warnings: language, fluff
word count: 3,069
5:37 pm | you're not that stupid, are you?

There was something incredibly serene about the hour. You weren't sure if it was because you were alone or because you were excited about something. But for a few moments, it was as if everything around you was still. Everything except for the shades over your window, billowing in the evening wind. It made you shiver.

You made a mental note to tell Spider-Man to use your window correctly the next time. Next time. You sat back in your desk chair at the thought. You were playing with matches with thoughts like that; Spider-Man wasn't yours. He had confessed, not to your surprise, about his soulmate. He had practically sung you the reasons he loved her, and you felt like you were beginning to get in the way.

He had confessed he hadn't even revealed who he was to her yet. She deserved precious time with him, not you. For a moment, your serene moment was settling into something very guilty, and suddenly you felt like you had done so much wrong.

Two minutes.

It had been two minutes since Spider-Man had kissed your head, two minutes since he had left. Your fingers were still waiting, tapping against the screen of your cell phone. You bounced your foot tediously, biting your lip. Had waiting ever made you so anxious?

You suspected maybe the anxiousness was coming from your guilty heart, but you shrugged it off. It wasn't your fault Spider-Man chose to spend his time with you. It was his. You had no say in what he did, and you convinced yourself that you shouldn't feel bad. You convinced yourself for now, at least.

Before you could come up with more reasons why you were a burden, the phone underneath your fingernails buzzed. You looked down, seeing the unknown caller ID light up on the screen. You pressed the green answering option.


"(y/n), I need you to pull up cams," Spider-Man's voice came through. Your computer screen lit up suddenly. "I'm sending the specs right now."

Your eyes widened when you noticed a display of multiple security cams across Queens. You placed Spider-Man on speaker, letting out a scoff.

"Is this even legal?" You breathed, and you winced a little when you heard chaos coming through Spider-Man's end of the phone. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Can't—really—talk—right—now—!" Spider-Man managed to cry, and you rolled your eyes as you scanned the cameras on your screen. You magnetized the screen only receiving a couple frames per second, pursing your lips when you saw Spider-Man hanging from the ceiling as he dodged punches.

"Seriously? You against four?" You mocked. Spider-Man groaned on his end, and your eyes darted across the screen. "Uh, well now it's you against two. Big head and chicken little are on their way out, east hallway, third floor."


"The door on your right," you repeated, and you watched as he quickly threw a few webs at the two keeping him occupied. You let out a hiss as they were slammed against walls, their heads hanging low in defeat. "That's gotta hurt."

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