stars | AU (7)

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category: series
subcategory: alternate universe — soulmate
ex. a universe where every individual is meant for another; it is up to the universe whether they are found

previously: does everything that's so wrong feel so damn good?
continuing: if love was easy, how would you know if they were worth fighting for?

third person
warnings: language, fluff
word count: 2,771
6:57 pm | "i love you"

A/N: this is my favorite part, especially the end, so please leave the love.

The sun was setting already. Warm yellows and oranges, falling into violet and dark blue and stars. You couldn't see the stars, not with the glow from the city below it. But you suspected there were galaxies and sparkles, everything that made up the universe, glittering underneath the aura. Maybe she wanted to be hidden, with how incredibly livid you were.

You were seated at your favorite spot by the window, in the coffee shop across from your apartment building. Your parents, as always, would not be home until late, and you wanted to keep yourself occupied, out of your room. You were afraid Spider-Man would show if you went back, and you didn't want to see him, as much as your heart told you otherwise.

You sipped at your peppermint mocha, adjusting the frames of your glasses to watch the world go by. You avoided the barista's gaze; every since you confronted him asking if he was your soulmate, you hadn't looked at him the same. It was too stupidly awkward to look him in the eyes.

You finished your mocha, and you swallowed hard as you gazed at the building in front of you. You did not want to leave your spot on the stool, but you also had nothing to do and you did not want to accidentally make eye contact with that guy behind the counter.

You picked up your backpack, sliding it over your shoulders as you made your way outside. You tightened your coat around you, fixing your skirt before making your way across the street. You took the stairs this time, not the elevator; you needed time to think.

Your thoughts were in a wave of uncertainty. You weren't sure how to confront him, how to ask how he knew before you, how to yell at him. But you also just wanted to hug him, kiss him, tell him you loved him and never ever let go.

You made it to your room, letting your backpack fall to the floor as you hung your coat up. You grimaced as you unlocked your window. Despite your anger, you were secretly hoping he would stop by.

It had been hours. It was well into the night, and the sky was already a blanket of navy blue and hidden stars. You had been waiting so long for Spider-Man to come home to you, and he hadn't. You hated that you missed him. You hated that you loved him, but you knew there would be nothing better than kissing him again.

So, in a rush of decisions, you had picked up your coat and gone out. You were walking the streets, looking down alleys you thought many would not pay attention to, looking for that special someone in red and blue. You had walked many blocks, looked down many streets, even peered into a few dumpsters. Spider-Man was not in Queens, and if he was, he was very good at avoiding you.

It wasn't long before you realized you weren't sure where you were. The streets that crossed in front of you were unknown to you, and the roads were beginning to get darker as lights faded. You were a little afraid. You knew you could find your way home with simple directions from your phone, but you weren't sure if you would get there in one piece. You had hoped you would find him before you had to bother him, but you thought maybe playing a damsel in distress would get him swinging over to you.

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