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"Remember what I told you. I had a boyfriend before I moved here." she nodded. " It was him." I told her.

Chapter 2


We were at lunch now, and were talking about the problem. She thought I was going to be fine, and that I should tell him what I did what I did. I disagreed with that big time. I thought she was insane, because for one I wasn't even going to try and talk to him. I was going to keep my distance, and two she thought we should get back together!!!

"Well I think you two should just make up. It would make your job a lot easier." she told me.

"OK if that works out he'll just try to get back with me, and right now I'm not ready for a relationship." I said with a sigh.

"Well then just tell him your not ready if he ever asks." she said to me.

"Trust he will, but I guess I will just go with your plan." I replied. Man tomorrow was going to be a long day.

*Next day*

I was told not to stop at the C.I.A. agency building today. They told me to go straight to school this morning, and when I came home I would be headed to the new house. All the images were just flashing through my head on the way to school. It was old memories of me and Lucas hanging out after school, at the beach, and him sneaking in after everyone was sleep.

I had pulled into my old school parking lot, Sunnyside High School. I had already spotted Lucas, but he was hanging with the in group. This was new. He was never in. I jumped out my truck, and heard just about everyone gasp. I could feel eyes staring at me from every direction.

I looked over in Lucas direction and saw him staring with hurt written all over his face. I smiled, and he gave me a dirty look and started talking to his friends.

I flinched and walked into the school. I went to the main office to get my schedule, and obviously everyone there remembered me to. I just gave a friendly smile to all of them.

"Nice to see your back Miss Phillips." the secretary said then handed me my schedule.

"Thanks." I replied. They had gave me my locker number and the combination, and it was right next to Lucas.

"Hey Lucas." I said while opening my locker.

"Now you want to talk to me?" he said.

"You do-"

"Don't tell me I don't understand Spencer. I understand just fine." he said while walking off with his group. That felt like someone had just hit me in the stomach with a bat. He didn't understand. He didn't understand what I went through, and I thought that was the only way to get over my loss. I thought that if I just left everything alone from the old life I would just forget, but he doesn't understand that, and I'm guessing he never will. I could feel tears well up in my eyes, so I went to the bathroom and cried until I heard the bell ring.

I was late already on the first day. I walked into class and saw Lucas sitting in the back of class.

"Hey you must be the new student Spencer." I saw Lucas head shoot up, and look to the front of the class."Yes." I answered, but it wasn't a question.

"Well I'm Mr. Fuller, and your late." He said . I was about to say sorry but he just cut me off and said "Don't let it happen again. Take a seat next to Mr.White. Raise your hand Lucas."

"No need. She knows who I am." he replied staring me right in the eye. I could see hurt in those blue eyes of his, but he covered it up with a grin.Already I had an enemy.

So I sat like this for the reast of the class, in the back silent, and Every few a glance from Lucas.


I couldn't believe she was back. I had promised to forget about her, and now she's back. It's going to be pretty hard to forget about her if she sits right next to me in ALL my classes. She looked shocked that I was with the in group now. I didn't care. After the day she stopped talking to me I had promised myself to never let a girl get to me, and kept it ever since. I was the player of the school now, or as you can say the heart breaker.

I do every girl the same way that Spencer had did to me. I'd act like I loved them, and then stop talking to them. I not proud of it, but I thought it would help me get over Spencer, but it didn't. I'm still in love with her, but I hide it.

"Hey man you ready to head to lunch?" Steath asked.

"Yeah, man lets go." I replied.

"So what do you think of the new girl?" he asked.

"She's not new." I replied.

"What do you mean she's not new? I've never seen her." he said to me with a puzzled look.

"That's because you came the year after she left. I know her." I replied.

"Oh, so how do you know her?" he asked.

"They have a history." Zack said coming up behind me.


I was sitting at the lunch table alone, and saw Zack. He came over and started talking to me. He was an old friend, and was in the group I used to hang out with.

"Hey Spence. How you been?" he asked me.

"Good. You?" I asked him.

" The same..." I had zoned out and was thinking about Lucas.

"Hey does Lucas hate me?" I asked him not realizing I had interrupted him.

"Naw, if anything he's still in love with you. You just hurt him after you left and stop talking to him." he told me.

"Yeah but he doesn't understand. I felt like that if I left my old life behind I would forget about the... accident." I said the last part barley a whisper.

"Yeah well it didn't. Did it?" he sounded so confident.

" No, and I regret doing what I did." I said staring into my food. I could feel the tears coming again. I've never cried this much before in one day. I hardly cry at all. If I do it's because of the accident.

"Excuse me." I said while getting up and running to the bathroom. If that accident had never happened I could still be with Lucas now. He wouldn't hate me, and my life wouldn't be so complicated. I knew I couldn't deal with this when I took the job, but I was trying to be strong and forget about the past. I also knew that just talking to Lucas wouldn't work, but Arella suggested it so I did it.

I walked out the bathroom to be greeted by my old arch enemy. Whitney.

"Aww what's wrong. The skank didn't get her boyfriend back?" she teased. That was it I couldn't hold my anger in, and Arella wasn't her to stop me. I punched her dead in her nose. I almost broke it, but all I did was make it bleed and her cry. 'Good enough for me.' I thought to myself.


So this is the 2 chapter. let me know what you think. COMMENT, VOTE, FAN IF YOU LIKE!!!


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