16. Misdirection and Misconceptions

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The room was pitch black and quiet as Harry and Hermione crouched down in the shadows. They'd been hiding for over ten minutes and could hear someone breathing near them as they silently waited for the right moment. It was the same day that the newspaper article about 'Bellatrix's breakout' had come out, and the young couple was on another mission.

Just when they thought they couldn't keep out of sight any longer, they heard footsteps, as well as voices, coming from the doorway. They were about to get more company. After straining to hear the voices, Harry determined that their primary target was among the approaching group, so he tapped Hermione on the shoulder and whispered, "Get ready."

Both of them pulled their wands out and pointed them toward the doorway. Someone walked into the room and said, "Lights."

As soon as the room lit up, Harry and Hermione performed their spells while everyone else shouted, "SURPRISE!"

Ron Weasley was standing in the doorway in shock as he watched the decorative sparks flying from their wands like fireworks. Seamus and Dean, who were on either side of him, said, "Happy Birthday, Ron!"

Soon, the rest of the people in the room, mostly first-year Gryffindors, wished Ron a happy birthday as well. Finally, the youngest male Weasley asked, "Is there a cake here?"

Harry, Hermione, and most of the others, laughed at that question while Dean pointed out the Quaffle-shaped cake that was on a table in the corner. One couldn't help but notice that right next to it was a stack of presents.

About a half-hour into the party, Harry was sitting down at a table between Neville and Hermione. It was easy to see how happy Ron was as he opened the presents everyone had gotten him. They weren't much - Harry, for example, had bought him a package of chocolate frogs - but that was all it took to make the redhead happy. Harry turned to his unofficial girlfriend and whispered, "We should've done this the first time around."

She replied, just as quietly, "I know." She sighed before continuing, "I think though, that you gave Seamus and Dean the idea. Haven't you noticed that there have been a lot more birthday parties here since you threw that one for me?"

Harry grinned. "I believe that was the only time I ever surprised you." He then turned to Neville and asked, "Are you alright? I mean with the article this morning?"

Neville looked surprised. "What? I mean, why wouldn't I be?"

With a very serious expression on his face, Harry whispered, "I know about your parents. They're heroes."

Neville looked down. "Oh. I mean, I know they're heroes. It's just..."

"I understand, Nev. If I could keep my story secret, I would, too." Harry sighed. "I'm sure Bellatrix won't be coming after you or your grandmother. After all those years in Azkaban, she probably doesn't remember your family."

"I hope you're right," replied Neville softly, "but part of me wants to get revenge when I've learned enough."

Harry shrugged his shoulders as he tried to comfort his friend who was troubled over the lie he'd perpetrated on Wizarding Britain. "Well, hopefully the aurors will have taken care of her before then."


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The next day, Harry and Hermione were at breakfast when an owl flew to Harry. He fed the bird a piece of bacon after removing its package. He was surprised to see Kingsley Shacklebolt's familiar writing.


As I'm sure you're aware, Sirius Black was murdered in Azkaban during Bellatrix Lestrange's escape. I can't tell you how sorry I am that he was killed before he could be freed. What the Daily Prophet didn't report was that Peter Pettigrew was the one wizard Bellatrix killed who wasn't part of her family. Now, although it hasn't been made public, Pettigrew's presence and death in Azkaban is part of the Ministry's records. I think that the 'powers that be' may not be as adamant about keeping Sirius' record dirty now. If you'd like, I can work toward clearing Sirius Black's name posthumously, so that he at least won't always be remembered as a criminal. This will take a lot of time and effort, but if this is important to you, I'll do my best to make it happen. Let me know.

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