24. The Capture

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I thought I'd let you know that Minister Bones has posthumously pardoned Sirius Black. A small notification will be on the last page of the Daily Prophet and owls are being sent to his remaining relatives. Again, I'm sorry this couldn't have been done before his death, but at least history will know the truth about him.


Head Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt

"I'm sorry, Sirius," said Harry after showing Padfoot the letter he'd received earlier. He'd used his time-turner as an alibi when he snuck from Hogwarts to his shop, The Troublemaker's Paradise. They were in the back room under a privacy spell that even Dobby, who worked there, couldn't penetrate. "If only I'd waited on freeing you..."

"Look Harry, I haven't seen or felt a Dementor for nearly a year, and I'm enjoying my new life as Terry Cochran."


"And half the Wizarding world would still distrust me, figuring I bribed my way out like so many other Death Eaters." Padfoot grinned. "Besides, I get to help a new generation of troublemakers pull pranks at Hogwarts. What greater honor could I ask for?"

His remark was met with appropriate laughter, and Harry had to admit his godfather had a point. "That is true. Many people will always believe Sirius Black was the worst Death Eater that ever lived, and no decision by the Ministry will change that. This way, you don't have to prove you're not a murderer to everyone you meet."

"And with my name officially cleared, it won't live on in infamy forever." He then put a hand on his godson's shoulder and looked him in the eye. "Harry, you and Hermione did help me tremendously, and I am in your debt. Never doubt that."

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The next few weeks passed quickly, with Harry receiving the final comic from the subscription the Grangers had bought him the previous year. When Hermione mentioned that they'd be happy to renew it, he agreed that it would be a great Christmas present, yet again.

Christmas break finally arrived, so all the students going home for the holidays were on the Hogwarts Express. Harry, who like last year, was spending Christmas with the Grangers, was sharing a compartment with Hermione, Luna, Ginny and Neville. Although Hermione had put up a ward to stop Draco and his goons from visiting them, it seemed as though he'd learned his lesson, although truthfully, he hadn't been as aggressive since his father died.

"Are you sure your parents won't mind if we invite Terry to Christmas dinner?" asked Harry.

"Of course not. We'll simply explain to them what a good friend he is and that he has no one to spend the holiday with," replied Hermione.

"Who's Terry?" asked Neville.

"Terry Cochran. The owner of The Troublemaker's Paradise," replied Harry with a grin.

"You know him? Fred and George adore him! They're going to try to work there this summer. Sort of as apprentices."

Harry grinned. "We know. He mentioned them in a letter."

Hermione leaned forward conspiratorially. "Don't tell them this, but Terry's hoping to open a Hogsmeade branch when they graduate in a few years and having them run it."

"They'd love that!" declared Ginny excitedly.

"Terry Cochran has been their hero longer than they know," said Luna from behind the Quibbler she was reading. It took a lot of effort for Harry to school his features so he didn't reveal that he knew exactly what she meant. They'd been admiring the Marauders, including Padfoot, ever since their first year at Hogwarts. The only question was how Luna knew that. He made sure not to make eye contact with Hermione, as he realized she was probably thinking the same thing as him.

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