Chapter 2

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"We have to go back, Thor. I don't have a doubt that SHIELD has already tracked us down and will be looking for us soon. Fury won't be too happy to find out that you brought an entire civilization of people to Earth along with a war criminal."

The blonde turned to look at Bruce. The scientist had asked for a private moment with Thor, so they had turned down a secluded hall in the warehouse away from everyone else. Loki and Brunnhilde has also gone somewhere private, but their intentions were much different.

"Ex war criminal, mind you. Loki has changed, can't you see it?"

Bruce sighed.

"Yeah, I might be able to see it, but SHIELD isn't going to care. As far as they're concerned, Loki is dangerous and shouldn't be on this planet, no matter how much you try to convince them that he's not psycho. And besides, Loki is just one the problems on our ever growing list. What are you going to do about Asgard? You don't seriously think that we can hide out here forever, do you? You and I need to go back to SHIELD and get assistance. We can't go on like this. Fury might have an idea of where you can take your people and still be able to operate as an Avenger."

Thor was silent for a moment as he thought about his next move.

"Okay, so we go to SHIELD and ask for help in rebuilding Asgard, but they are going to want more information. They aren't going to just give us the Okay-go with this without digging a little deeper. And when they do, they're going to find out that Loki is back."

Banner ran a hand through his hair like he usually did when he was nervous.

"Look, go talk to your brother. You two might be able to come up with a solution to that problem if you work together. I'll go back to the Avengers Facility and find Tony. It's not too far away. I' a bike or something."

The Asgardian patted him on the back and smiled.

"I will see you soon, my friend. Trust me, we will get through this. Asgard will survive. After all, we've been through much worse. Did I tell you about the time Loki and I fought off those Dark Elves to save Asgard?"

Bruce's expression darkened.

"Yeah, but you had Loki then. If SHIELD gets their hands on him, then you might not be so lucky."

With Thor warned, Bruce headed out of the warehouse and onto the busy streets, on his way to Avengers HQ. The thunder god went the opposite direction, deeper into the warehouse to find his brother, who might not like the plan that he was formulating.
"Absolutely not."

Loki stood up from the mattress he'd been laying on with Brunnhilde to face Thor.

"Oh come on, Loki! It's not that bad!"

Loki shook his head.

"To be honest, Thor, I'd rather do Get Help fifteen times in a row more than this."

Brunnhilde pulled herself up off of the mattress and leaned her head on her lover's shoulder.

"I don't might be fun. Depends on how good of an actor you are."

Thor smiled and raised his eyebrows at his brother, hoping that what she said might have a positive effect on Loki's decision.

"Well maybe it sounds fun because you aren't the one being humiliated!"

The Valkyrie lifted her head from his shoulder as he suddenly raised his voice. She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him.

"Do you want to stay in hiding for the rest of your life or do you want to get this over with and have the satisfaction of fooling an entire secret organization who's job is to fool people?" She asked.

Loki glared at Thor for suggesting the idea in the first place and sighed.

"And what happens if they see through our lie?"

A silence filled the room.

"Then we come clean, use the fine art of persuasion, and hope for the best."

The younger of the two brothers glared at Thor.

"We're screwed."

Brunnhilde crossed the room and pulled up one of the floorboards.

"I need a drink."

Loki's eyes widened.

"So that's where your stash is! I've been trying to find it for days!"

Thor watched as the woman downed a bottle of what looked like very expensive liquor.

"Why exactly have you been searching for her stash?"

The trickster sighed.

"She drinks too much. It's unhealthy. I've been trying to help her, but she won't let me."

Brunnhilde blew back a strand of hair and cracked open another bottle.

"I'm not going to stop drinking."

Loki threw his hands in the air and walked out, deeming the situation hopeless.

"Be ready to leave for SHIELD! We're heading there tomorrow!" Thor called as he watched his brother leave.

Brunnhilde sighed and plopped back down on the mattress.

"Get out of my room, Thor." She said, exasperated.

He didn't say a word as he quietly slipped out, realizing that the couple needed some space and time to themselves.

After he left, she secretly tossed the half finished drink across the room and closed up her stash.

Maybe she wasn't so hopeless after all.

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