Chapter 20

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Would you be mad if I told you that the main reason I made Brunnhilde and Loki into Avengers is because I got tired of writing "The Avengers, Brunnhilde, and Loki."?


"I'm going to kick your ass Tony!" Brunnhilde shouted as she lunged across the blue mat in the training room.

Loki chuckled before he felt something hit his back.

"Ouch!" He yelled, turning to see Thor winding up for another punch.

"Come on, brother! Let us spar!"

The trickster smirked and slid in between Thor's legs as the blonde jumped to attack him. He appeared on the other side of the mat and, with a sweeping kick, knocked the older asgardian to the ground.

"Ha! And I beat you without even using magic!" He gloated as Thor grimaced in pain.

His eyes met Brunnhilde's from across the room as she tackled Tony to the ground, twisting his arm behind his back and making him scream.

"You win, you win!" Tony cried as his face contorted into an expression of agony.

"Alright, boys. Step aside. Miss Elite Warrior and I are going to spar now." Natasha announced as she strutted into the room.

She eyed Brunnhilde with curiosity, for she was only wearing a black sports bra showing off her perfectly toned six pack, and black shorts.

"Is that all you're wearing?" Romanoff inquired with mild curiosity.

"This is what all Valkyrie train in. The more skin not covered by cloth or armor, the more susceptible we are to injury. It's the best way to harden us into not reacting to pain."

She tightened her ponytail as Natasha stepped onto the mat.

"Have it your way, then."

Without warning, she charged at the warrior and knocked her to the ground, but Brunnhilde was up in less than two seconds, returning an equally devastating blow. Loki walked over to them and handed each of them a long metal rod.

"Thanks." Brunnhilde said, her voice not even giving away a hint of exhaustion as she blocked another of her opponent's attacks with the rod.

The second the weapon was in her hands, Brunnhilde smirked. This was her domain. She lunged forward and spun the rod, knocking Natasha backwards. The Russian got up and grabbed her rod, attempting to do the same to the Valkyrie, but was pushed to the ground. Brunnhilde stood over her, rod in hand, panting slightly as sweat beaded on her forehead.

"Let's call it a tie." She said, offering her hand to Natasha, who accepted and regained her footing.

Next, Loki and Wanda went head to head, using only their magic. Loki won easily, since Wanda was still so young and inexperienced, but she was a good sport and admired how her opponent barely made it known that he had emerged victorious.

"What I really want to see is Loki and Brunnhilde go at it. They both seem to have an easy enough time beating anyone thrown at them, so let's see how they fight when they're against each other." Tony remarked with a smirk, helping Steve recover from the beating he'd just given him.

"Did Stark really just beat Cap?" Clint asked as he took a sip of his water.

"Yeah, I did just kick Capsicle's ass, but I came here for a show, so Loki and Brunnhilde, you two are up."

The two asgardians shared a knowing look as Loki brandished two daggers for himself and a sword for Brunnhilde.

"No magic?" He asked.

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