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In a recent interview with Kevin Feige, he announced that Loki will be siding with Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War.


After everything we've fought for as Hiddlestoners and loyal members of Loki's army, we can't just believe this.

Loki grew tremendously as a character in Thor Ragnarok, and to say that he's going to turn around and drop everything for Thanos in Infinity War is blasphemous. Marvel is very good at keeping secrets and tricking us. They've done stuff like this before, and it's turned out to be a lie, so what is wrong with us?! We laid down our social lives for this man, and now we're just going to accept his fate?!


We have to fight back. If Marvel drops a bombshell, we turn around and fire it right back in their face. Take to social media sites. Find as many Hiddlestoners as you can and get them to band together. Don't forget that Marvel does take the responses of their viewers and fans into account. We can fight. We can win.

Just like the title of this book, we will stand as one. United.

Fight for hope with the hashtag #HopeForLoki

What are you waiting for?!


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