Chapter 22

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I'd like to point out that Kat's character is inspired by Mare from the Red Queen series. She has the same powers and nickname as her, but unlike Mare, Kat is more prone to going with the flow. So that pretty much explains the references I'm putting in this chapter. If you haven't read Red Queen yet, then you definitely should!

Also, my inspiration for H.O.P.E. comes from the H.I.V.E. Series by Mark Walden. That's why H.O.P.E. has the similar, yet reversed symbol of G.L.O.V.E., which is also from that series.

I put way too many book references into my stuff.

Sorry not sorry.
1 Month Later
Kat and Loki circled the training gym, a wide space between them. Suddenly, Kat charged with a battle cry and slammed her fist down on the ground right before she reached her opponent. Blue lightning erupted from her fingertips and spread across the floor in a fast wave, sending a jolt of electricity through Loki. He shook it off and smirked.

"You'll have to try harder than that to hurt me, Kat. I went a full half hour of being electrocuted once. If I can survive that, think of all the people that can survive your storms, little lightning girl."

She brushed off the nickname and charged again. This time, she managed to channel enough lightning to knock him back against the wall, convulsing in pain as the electricity fried his nerves. She pulled the lightning back and he stood up, still shaking.


Kat raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry, who's the teacher here?"

Loki chuckled.

"We are both helping each other learn how to reach the full extent of our power."

She shrugged and blew a strand of hair out of her face.

"Fair enough. Let's work on hand to hand combat."

Loki grinned and lunged forward, beginning his attack. He was shoved back almost instantly by Kat, who stood above him smirking. He got up again and was once again defeated easily by a punch to the gut. Loki swung his fists wildly in frustration, never hitting the woman as she dodged this way and that with ease. She kicked his legs out from underneath him, causing him to fall to his knees.

"You're pulling your punches." She announced, making no moves to help him up.

Loki got up and checked the clock on the wall.

"It's almost dinner time. Do you want to freshen up a bit before meeting me down by the mess hall? If it's all the same to you, I'd prefer to eat with a friend."

Kat winked at him before walking off.

"Deal!" She called over her shoulder before heading out of the large gym.

Loki couldn't help but laugh at the way she seemed so confident, yet always let her guard down around him. They had almost reached the point of a mutual trust, and the trickster was beginning to grow quite fond of her.

He made his way back to his quarters and picked up a small green bottle that had been sitting on his desk. He twisted the cap off and took out a few small yellow capsules before popping them in his mouth.


He brushed out his hair, gelled it, and changed into a pair of black sweatpants with a white shirt that had H.O.P.E.'s logo, a hand wrapped around a fist-sized globe, on the back of it.

He laced up his combat boots and met Kat in the mess hall, just like he'd promised.

"So what's the story behind the blue hair and eyes?" He asked, taking a small bite of his fruit salad.

Kat shrugged.

"I guess I wanted my hair and eyes to be the same color as my lightning, though I can't see you with green hair. The hair is dyed, and the eyes are a pigment injection, the latest kind of tech that H.O.P.E. has created."

Loki nodded in understanding.

"Now I get to ask you a question."

"Shoot." He replied.

"Where are you from? I can tell that you're obviously not from this planet."

Loki froze, his fork raised partly in the air, a strawberry impaled on the end of it.

"I...I don't remember. All I know is that wherever I'm from didn't want me, so maybe that's why I'm here. I'm just glad I found Dr. Pamela when I did. She has taught me so much."

Kat grinned.

"I'm glad you feel that way about her. When you first arrived here, you wanted nothing to do with her. Maybe this is a change for the better."

Loki concentrated for a moment, trying to recall a time when he'd disliked Pamela.

"Hm, yes. Maybe it is a good change."



Kat reached across the table between them to grab his hand in hers. Loki was rendered incapable of movement as he felt something so familiar about the way she touched him.

"If you ever do leave, you know, transfer to another facility, then promise me that you won't forget me. The truth is, I really like you and want to spend my life with you, but I'm scared that you don't feel the same way. I've got your back, Loki. Never forget that."

Loki smiled calmly and squeezed her hand, his touch light and gentle.

"I'm not going anywhere."

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