Chapter 18

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Of course he'd gone back to the warehouse.

Of course he'd wanted to check up on his people.

Of course he knew that Sigyn would be there.

But he didn't count on H.O.P.E. to have gotten to his ex wife first.

Loki had stepped through the doors of the warehouse and removed his snowflake covered black coat, taking in the fact that his jotun form might never return.

He'd found Sigyn and Åsmund's room, hoping that he could say hello to his son.

Sigyn wasn't there.

He checked the main room where Asgardians mulled around, depressed and tired, waiting for a chance to be free from the confines of the warehouse.

Sigyn wasn't there.

So finally, he checked his bedroom, where he found the sorceress curled up in a ball on his bed, clutching his sheets close to her face and soaking them with her tears.

"Sigyn?" He whispered, placing a hand on her shoulder.

The sudden physical interaction caused her to sit bolt upright, her eyes red from crying.

"Loki!" She exclaimed, jumping into his arms.

He gently tried to push her off of him, his fingers gripping her silk robes in an attempt to drag her away.

She had a strange glint in her eye. Whether it be mischief or lust, it didn't matter, for soon she was on top of him.

"I missed you so much, my love. You'll never escape me again, I promise."

He tried in vain to shove her off of him, but the crazed grin on her face led him to believe that he wasn't going anywhere.

"Sigyn, please get off of me." He yelled.

She laughed and used her magic to bind his hands together above his head.

"My gods, woman! What has come over you?!"

She didn't respond, but instead proceeded to remove her robes.

He struggled for a moment before realizing that he wasn't completely helpless.

"What is it that you want?" He asked slowly, feeling energy pulse through his veins as he bought time.

"You." She whispered seductively before placing a finger over his lips.

Despite his situation, he let out a chuckle.

"Well, my dear, you're going to have to try harder than that."

She didn't even have a chance to register what was happening before he exploded, squeezing his eyes shut and trying to contain the energy to just one room.

Sigyn was thrown backwards, her head hitting the wall.

Loki studied the phone that he'd gotten from Stark earlier. He pressed in a few buttons skeptically before placing a call to the billionaire.

"This is Loki. We have a bit of a situation at the warehouse, and I need you to come down here for a moment. Oh, and be prepared. The psychopath has magic."
Åsmund clutched Loki's forest green cape in his small hands while tears flowed down his face.

"I wanna see mommy!" He cried, looking up at his father.

Loki gave him a small, sad smile and knelt down beside the little boy.

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