Chapter 19

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"Sigyn? Please, talk to me." Loki pleaded, his hand pressed against the glass.

Sigyn sat in the center of the cell, rocking back and forth and chanting strange things.


"It's no use. Her mind is gone." Thor said as he entered the room.

"You don't know that." The god of mischief retorted.

"Stark said that nothing else can be done. She's a lost cause, brother. The Man Of Iron has already gotten permission from Fury to send her off to some mental hospital somewhere."

Loki shook his head, refusing to accept it. He turned to Thor with a steely look in his eye.

"Did you consider me to be a lost cause?"

Thor furrowed his brow in confusion.


Loki took a step closer to him.

"Answer the question. Did you or did you not consider me a lost cause? Because it feels like when you threatened to kill me four years ago, you weren't bluffing. Maybe giving up easily on people is just in your nature."

The blonde's eye widened as he stood, appalled at his brother's words.

"I wasn't serious. You have to understand, brother, I-"

"Save it, Thor. I don't need your excuses. I'm tired of feeling like everyone has given up on me. I'm going to find a way to save Sigyn, and I will not let her be shipped off to some prison for insane people. Either you're with me, or you're not. So what will it be, your highness?"

Thor nervously glanced at the sorceress.

"What is ailing you, Loki?" Thor asked, avoiding the question.

"What. Will. It. Be?"

The older asgardian sighed.

"Fine. I will tell Stark to delay her departure, but only if....." His voice trailed off as he noticed his brother staring intently at Sigyn.


Loki never broke his focus.

"Her arm."


"Look at her arm."

Thor rose an eyebrow.

"I do not see anything."

"The dot. On her arm. It looks like a needle pierced through her skin."

The blonde couldn't see anything, for it didn't stand out to him, but Loki's eyesight had become more keen when he was hit with the surge of power.

"My you think that H.O.P.E...."

Thor almost immediately caught on.

"She could have been injected with a serum that caused her to attack you!"

Loki didn't say another word, for he was already darting out of the room and taking the stairs three at a time.

He skidded to a halt when he reached the bar, where, no surprise, he located Tony.

"Stark! I think we found a way to save Sigyn!"

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