Chapter 7

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Loki and Thor had bolted to the warehouse to find Brunnhilde while Bruce and Korg stayed behind. Korg would remove the body while Bruce calmed the people.

When they finally found Brunnhilde, she was in deep conversation with Heimdall.

"Loki. Thor. Thank the Norns you're back!"

Loki raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"What is it?"

The distress on the Valkyrie's face was evident, and she was wringing her hands fast enough to create friction.

"Heimdall ran a head count of the people. We have to get off of this planet right now. Someone obviously doesn't want us here."

Thor was still confused.

"I don't understand...."

She sighed.

"When we first arrived on Midgard, there were 357 Asgardians."

Loki waved his hand, urging her to continue.

"Now there's only 200."
Dr. Reese walked briskly down the hall, heels clicking along the newly shined hardwood floor. Her immaculately tailored pantsuit was freshly pressed, and her dark hair was tied up in a tight bun. Her intelligent brown eyes complimented her caramel colored complexion.

She never broke her stride as the glass doors in front of her slid open to reveal her Technology and Communications room.

"General Harring. Prepare your troops for the infiltration on our target's base of operations. It is time."

The General nodded curtly and left the room to prepare.

As long as everything went precisely the way she wanted it to, Dr. Reese would not fail to bring her targets into custody effective immediately upon arrival at the infiltration point.

And Pamela Reese never fails.
The brothers spent the better part of a day searching through Manhattan, finding bodies of unlucky Asgardians littering alleyways and hanging from trees and lampposts. It was horrifying.

They only located 20 of their missing people, but they had no idea that if they hadn't come back to the warehouse when they did, they would have lost a whole lot more.

They arrived back at their temporary base after a hard day of searching when Thor decided to host a party.

"It will lift their spirits. They've already lost so much. It's the least we can do, Loki."

So that afternoon, Loki spent his free time decorating the main room with colorful banners and bright orbs of light that floated in the air above his head.

Bruce was in charge of finding the best musicians in Asgard to assemble a temporary band.

Brunnhilde and Heimdall assembled extra reinforcements in case Loki's illusion and soundproofing spells didn't hold.

Surprisingly, Korg was in charge of the food, and he didn't do that bad of a job in supplying Asgard with the best that New York had to offer.

Thor did his best to get the people looking forward to the party while also running preparations.

Hours later, the party was full swing with Asgardians dancing to the fast paced music under multicolored orbs of light and sampling Midgardian delicacies.

Loki wandered through the mass of bodies swarming on the temporary dance floor. He had eyes for one woman only tonight. Her eyes met his from across the room, and she smirked, turning away with her drink, her hair flying across her shoulders.

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