Chapter 11

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A/N: I changed the season at the beginning of the book from summer to fall since I'm having these Christmas feels and I need to put them somewhere. Coming up soon: An Avengers Christmas!

Not in this chapter though.

Sorry to disappoint.

Totally not sorry.

Loki sat up groggily before instantly regretting it, his head swimming. He was still in his armor, and had been hastily thrown into the guest bedroom the previous night after everyone grew tired. Looking to his left, he noticed the beautiful woman sitting on the corner of the bed.

"Good morning, love." He rasped.

Brunnhilde smirked.

"Looks like someone has a nasty hangover."

Despite his pain, Loki chuckled softly.

"Yes, well I'm still trying to figure out if getting insanely drunk to drive away my problems was worth it."

Now it was her turn to laugh.

"Stark told me to come wake you. He said, and I quote, 'If antlers doesn't haul ass and get down here, he's gonna miss breakfast, and I know I won't be feeling sorry for him'."

Loki tried to fight off the nausea and headache while swinging his legs over the side of the bed and slowly standing up.

"Charming." He replied sarcastically.

He insisted that he could make it down the stairs without assistance, but Brunnhilde helped him along anyway, leaving no room for debate. She was incredibly stubborn, a trait that Loki loved and hated at the same time.

When they got to the living room, a heated debate was in full swing.

"I'm telling you, it's an orange! The rind is tough enough to shield itself from damage!" Tony yelled at Bruce, who had arrived at the base the night before after making sure that Sigyn had things covered at the warehouse.

Bruce gave him a condescending glare.

"No. A star fruit would make much more sense. Since it's edges are sharp, it could do more damage. An orange is too circular."

Loki squinted his eyes in confusion at the two scientists, his head throbbing.

"What are you going on about?" He asked.

Tony took another bite of pancakes while continuing to send Bruce dirty looks.

"Bruce and I are arguing over which fruit would win in a fight. He insists on a star fruit, but I think it would be an orange."

The trickster thought about this for a moment.

"Pineapple." He finally said.

Banner's eyes widened while Tony paused for a moment, his fork raised in the air.

"Yes! That's it! It's got pointy edges for a weapon!"

Stark grinned, catching on.

"And it's hard outer shell provides the perfect defense!"

Loki smirked and plopped down at the bar next to Thor, who passed his brother a plate of pancakes.

Brunnhilde sat on the other side of her lover and stole one of his pancakes, a mischevious glint in her eye.

"I spat on that, you know." He teased.

She pretended not to know that he was joking and spit out her water on his face.

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