Alucard (Part 1)

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^ Ignore the image if you want.

Short and kinda uninformative bio: His parents died and he got kidnapped because of a demon. Some random demon hunter comes in and saves him. Alucard feels grateful to the demon hunter cult and then becomes a demon hunter too.

*He is the only male whose 3D form is better than his selfie (Kagura is the only female)

*His favorite saying: "I'll never be your friend."

*He sometimes seems to have an Australian accent.

*Likes: Hunting demons, killing, and other stuff

*Dislikes: Demons, mercy, and other stuff

This is Random Object (RO). RO can be you, the president, a rock, or even that hippie dude across the street. I really don't recommend RO being you. Maybe your long lost twin but not you. This will be copied and pasted on every chapter as a reminder.

RO sees Alucard and decides to ask him a question.

RO: Hey, Alucard. Do you have a crush on anyone?

Alucard: No.

Alucard tries to walk away but RO chases after him, determined to get an answer.

A. Say it's Ruby (the girl whose favorite food is wolf hearts).

B. Say it's Kagura (the girl who talks to umbrellas).

C. Say it's Vexana (the creepy old lady who likes collecting souls).

D. Say it's Grock (the golem).

RO decides to go with Choice A.

RO: I bet you like Ruby. You guys are pretty similar and would hit it off pretty well.

Alucard: ...

Alucard tries to move away from RO once more, but again, fails.

RO attempts Choice B.

RO: How about Kagura? She's very pretty. You guys would look great together!

Alucard: ...

Alucard is starting to wonder if he should throw RO over a cliff.

RO doesn't notice Alucard's annoyance and continues with Choice C.

RO: Do you like Vexana then? She's uh, well, she looks, um, very old? Maybe that's your type. Don't worry, I won't judge.

Alucard: No. And there's no point in love if it will end anyways. Can I leave now?

Unfortunately for Alucard, his answer did not satisfy RO. RO tries Choice D.

RO: It's Grock, right? Wait, is Grock a male or a female?

Alucard: ...

Alucard decides that RO is close enough to a demon. Extermination time!

(Don't worry, RO will probably revive... probably.)

A few hours later... (Oh my Gord, this is so cringy. Skip this if you want. You have been warned.)

Alucard has gotten a mission and a cake from the demon hunter cult. He must eat the cake, since he looks too thin. Alucard doesn't want to eat, but it is his duty to do it. He wonders how he is going to solve this problem when, suddenly, Harley pops out of nowhere.

Harley: Is that cake?

Alucard: Ye-

Harley quickly snatches the cake from Alucard's hands. Alucard half-heartedly attempts to take it back, but Harley steps away. He tips his overly large hat in farewell.

Harley: Ta-ta~

Harley disappears, leaving Alucard cakeless. Someday, he'll report that kid to customer service, but, for now, he is glad that he doesn't have to deal with the cake situation anymore.

Next up: Harley, the possibly underage drinker!

Anyways, how would you rate this so far? Sorry if it seems rushed! I uploaded 4 chapters in one day, and I really, really should revise some of this stuff. If it's that horrible, I apologize for traumatizing you guys. 

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