Lord (Part 1)

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^ 1. Be Zhask. 2. Deploy minion. 3. Sit and eat popcorn while you watch it do all the work. (Note: Blue Panda is not me)

The Lord had seen many strange things during its life. But then again, the Lord wasn't a hero or a villain. Perhaps that was why it couldn't comprehend their actions. Today, the Lord witnessed a few events that seemed quite confusing.

This morning...

Ruby: Lulu, should we try eating the Lord?

Alucard: I'm still not sure if I like that nickname.

Ruby: But I'm Root Beer~

Alucard: I said Ru-Bear, though...

Ruby: Root Beer~

Alucard: If you say so... Anyways, are you sure the Lord is edible?

Ruby: I don't know, but it's worth a try~

Alucard: Alright then.

Ruby and Alucard attack the Lord. Alucard ends up being the one to finish it off.

Stalker/Announcer: An ally has slain the Lord!

Alucard: We're going to eat it raw, aren't we?

Ruby: Yup! But we have to remove the shell first~

Alucard: How are we going to do that?

Ruby: Akai knows how~

Alucard: Where is he?

Ruby: I think he's taking therapy~

Alucard: Oh. For an eating disorder?

Ruby: Probably~

That afternoon...

Lolita: Clint, who's harder to kill, me or Grock?

Clint: Hmm, that's a tough question. No pun intended.

Grock: Grock is strong.

Lolita: I'm strong, too.

Clint: Should I try to kill you two?

Grock: Grock does not like that idea. Grock wants peaceful solution.

Clint: Y'all got a better plan?

Grock: Grock is thinking.

Lolita: Lolita is stumped.

Clint: Clint wants to go with the original plan.

Lolita: Lolita- I mean, I have an idea. How about attacking the Lord? I'll go first, then Grock goes. Whoever lasts the longest will win.

Grock: Let Grock go first.

Clint: Clint will be busy doing nothing.

Lolita: You'll be spectating. And Grock, you can go first if you want.

Grock takes a swing at the Lord. Clint glances at the clock and keeps track of the time. It gets boring watching Grock attack the Lord, so Clint and Lolita have a conversation.

Clint: Hey, how's it going with your crush?

Lolita: Uh, I'd rather not talk about that...

Clint: He still doesn't know you like him, eh?

Lolita: Yeah. By the way, what about you and Layla?

Clint: What about us?

Lolita: Do you guys have any feelings for each other?

Clint: Nah, we're just friends, but I'll give dating a shot if she wants to.

Lolita: Oh, I see. Also, I've been wondering for awhile.

Clint: About?

Lolita: Why'd you change your look?

Clint: I dunno what you're talking about there, miss.

Lolita: You sure? Look at this.

Lolita pulls out a phone. It says "Property of Bill Gates" on the back.

Clint: Where'd you get that?

Lolita: Cyclops.

Clint: Think he'll give me one?

Lolita: Yeah, but they disappear after an hour of use. I don't know where they go, but I'm not judging. As long as I have internet access, I'll be fine.

Clint: Cyclops has some wacko powers.

Lolita: Yup. Alright, here's the pic.

Lolita shows Clint his old picture (in case some of you don't know what it looks like, I'll post it during the next group meeting, which is about 5 chapters away).

Clint: That looks like me, except younger. 

Lolita: It is you.

Clint: Really?

Lolita: Of co-

Stalker/Announcer: An ally has slain the Lord!

Lolita: ...

Clint: ...

Grock: Grock did good.

Clint: Clint did not expect that.

Lolita: Lolita surrenders.

That evening...

Kagura and Hayabusa are back from their search for the former Shadow. They didn't find any sign of him. It looks like Hayabusa won't be getting his revenge yet.

Kagura: Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find him eventually.

Hayabusa: ...

Kagura suddenly comes up with a way to cheer him up.

Kagura: Oh, I know! Come with me!

Kagura pulls Hayabusa towards the spot beside the Lord. The three watch Natalia and Hilda argue about bushes.

Hayabusa: How'd you know they were here?

Kagura: One of the spirits in my umbrella told me.

Hayabusa fades from view, but Kagura knows he's still there. He just preferred to hide in the shadows. The Lord says nothing and remains standing.

Next up: Bush Fight (Natalia and Hilda)!

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