Alice in Wonderland

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Revised Version of Alice in Wonderland


Alice - Layla

Alice's Sister - Rafaela

White Rabbit - Diggie

Queen of Hearts - Alice

Cheshire Cat - Helcurt

Caterpillar - A drunk Roger

March Hare - Akai

Mad Hatter - Harley

Card Soldier 1 - Johnson

Card Soldier 2 - Chou

Card Soldier 3 - Grock

Pigeon - Gord

Duchess - Karrie

Cook - Balmond

Mother - Odette

Father - Clint

Back-up Cast:

Alice - Odette

Mother - Lolita

Alice's Sister - Miya

Mad Hatter - Ruby

Queen of Hearts - Vexana

Cheshire Cat - Hayabusa

Duchess - Kagura

Directed by - Diggie

Diggie: Alright, guys! We're starting in three, two, one...

RO: Action!

Alice (Layla) is sitting on the grass by her sister (Rafaela), who is reading a story to her. Alice soon grows bored and decides to stop listening.

Alice: I'm going to go explore now.

Sister: Don't go too far!

Alice: I won't.

Alice leaves her sister to read her book in peace and walks around, still extremely bored. The scene switches into a lush forest filled with trees and long stalks of grass.

Alice: I wish something interesting would happen.

Suddenly, a white rabbit crosses her path, nearly tripping her.

White Rabbit: I'm late, I'm late!

The White Rabbit (Diggie) runs off in a hurry. Alice stares in disbelief, debating if she had been imagining a rabbit speak or not. She decides that it's a good idea to follow the talking rabbit and chases after him. She weaves around the trees until the rabbit somehow disappears from sight.

Alice: Hello? Are you there, little rabbit?

No one answers. Alice looks around at the unfamiliar surroundings, realizing that she is lost. She takes a step forward without examining the ground in front of her. She screams as she falls into the hole, which had been concealed with long tufts of grass. For no reason, teapots and stuffed animals are thrown from the sidelines at Alice. Broken porcelain pieces lay on the stage, and a pink donkey bounces off Alice's head.

Alice: ...

Diggie: Cut!

Layla gingerly steps around the broken pieces and exits the stage.

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