Hayabusa (Part 1)

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Trial bio: In the town of Iga, the strongest ninja is called a Shadow and protects Iga. However, the last Shadow betrayed the town, so Hayabusa is elected as the new Shadow. He hunts the old one down, going off to get his revenge for his dead friend and the town of Iga.

*He does not mention Kagura in his Mobile Legends bio... poor Kagura.

*Natalia = bush, Hayabusa = shadows

*Likes: Shadows

*Dislikes: Weakness, betrayal

RO breathes a sigh of relief as the detested bird flies out of sight. The rain is long gone, and the sun shines brightly in the sky. RO sees Hayabusa going to who knows where and chases him.

RO: Hey, where's Kagura?

Hayabusa: She's doing something with her umbrella.

RO: Like what?

Hayabusa: Yin and Yang stuff.

RO: That makes sense... By the way, is she coming along with you for your journey?

Hayabusa: Maybe. I don't know. I'd still prefer to do it alone.

RO: So, did she win the game or not?

Hayabusa: You were eavesdropping, weren't you?

RO: A bit. 

Hayabusa: ...

RO: Maybe more than that...

Hayabusa: A lot more.

RO is instantly bored and comes up with a few things to do.

A. Ask him what he thinks of Kagura.

B. Question him on what happened before the swan situation.

C. Make him tell what happened to his turtle shell.

D. Get a piggyback ride.

RO thinks Choice A is a good place to start.

RO: How do you feel about Kagura?

Hayabusa: She's okay, I guess.

RO: Do you love her?

Hayabusa: We haven't seen each other since we were kids.

RO: So, yes or no?

Hayabusa: No.

RO: ...

Hayabusa: What?

RO: Did you have a crush on her when you were a kid?

Hayabusa: That's all in the past.

RO: Yes or no?

Hayabusa: You're going to make assumptions.

RO: Yes or no?

Hayabusa: Yes, but, like I said, I d-


Hayabusa: ...What?

RO: Hehe, nothing much. Why did you like her?

Hayabusa: I forgot.

RO: You... forgot.

Hayabusa: It happened a long time ago.

RO's feet are sore feeling lazy from walking, so RO picks Choice D.

RO: Give me piggyback ride.

Hayabusa: No.

RO: But I want one!

Hayabusa: Ask Johnson.

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