Skippable Chapter

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This chapter is complete trash. Don't say I didn't warn you.

*This chapter is about a battle I fought on Mobile Legends. Care to guess how long it was? Also, who do you think I used in the fight? No peeking! Answers in? Read on! Or you can skip this. It's fine with me.

*Yes, Mobile Legends is what I waste most of my day on. I should use it to write a bunch of chapters, but I'm a big procrastinator.

*No puns (unfortunately... wait, I might as well give you one. What do you call a fish slaughtered by Alucard? UnforTUNAte!)

*No character parts or special chapter story.

*No horrible fanart. Ever get those times when you're proud of your art at the time, then 5 months later you look at it and think: What is that...? I can't believe I was proud of this 5 months ago! I still don't see anything else extremely wrong with my Zilong fanart besides the cr*ppy shading, but that might change after I look at it a year later. 

*This chapter is, once again, absolute trash, just like me.

*This might be boring. So boring that you might fall asleep.

*Not much humor? I don't know; you guys might find some parts funny, but I wasn't really attempting to make many jokes except for the two you'll find in this long intro.

*I have nothing else to say. I'm stalling so no one can get a sneak peak at the snwers to the questions.

*Eh... Want another joke? I need to think of one, though.

*So, how does one make dough stronger?

*Answer: Beat the d up until it becomes a t. Make sure the grammar police aren't around while you're doing it.

*For those of you who still haven't skipped this chapter, let's get on with it, shall we?

So, this is me describing what happened in one of my battles. 

That's right

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That's right. The battle took 30 minutes. And that NuttButter (nice name) Sun was afk the entire time. Someone must've unleashed him into battle at some point, since Sun is level 15. However, I didn't see that monkey once when I was fighting. Compare the amount of gold he has to the rest of the team!

Also, Harley has become my new main. Rip Bruno; he's still a great marksman. I'm way out of practice with him though, but I can still use Ruby (who I haven't played in almost a month) for some reason. Turns out Ruby is the 3rd most difficult hero to use. I don't think that's true, but that's just my opinion.

During that epic battle, I kept rapid spamming the map with ( ! ) alerts and retreats. I don't like revealing myself when I alert my teammates about incoming minions, so I just tap them instead of the turrets (if I tapped the turret, it would look like this: "Harley's amazing face" defend "turret's amazing face," or something like that). 

Also, there were these Fannys. Sometimes, the Fanny on my team would kill the enemy Fanny, and other times, the enemy Fanny would win. They had multiple showoffs during our 30 minute fight. I didn't find it funny, but our Zhask was laughing when enemy Fanny died. Show some respect, Zhask! Become a feminist (the best thing about this is that the person playing enemy Fanny was a guy).

Enemy Harley has some items that I have, but my build is better. Hehe, it's top secret though! Only the people I've fought against know what it is. My old builds kept changing constantly (I had 6+ different builds in one day) because I couldn't find the right one. Luckily, I created that perfect build a few days ago. I was a bit mathematical on it and did a lot of item description reading. I spent more than 10 minutes on that. Call me a nerd or an obsessive person/perfectionist, but that's how I roll.

Am I boring you guys yet? I told you it was trash.

Review of enemies:

Freya: EASY! She doesn't even have armor!

Odette: EASY! No armor for her, either!

Fanny: Annoying and harder than the rest of the team, except one. However, apparently Fanny doesn't know that Wings of the Apocalypse Queen(Wings of the Alice?) adds lifesteal, not spell vamp like Bloodlust Axe.

Harley: For some reason, he got mvp instead of Fanny even with the same amount of kills, deaths, and assists. It was probably because he had more gold. He was better than most Harleys I know, but not overly challenging.

NuttButter the Sun: I must say, this was my hardest oponent. I couldn't even kill that monkey once! I bet NuttButter is in Mythic because those skills were too amazing. I'm in awe. NuttButter has become my all-time senpai in Mobile Legends.

Review of allies:

Pharsa: That Pharsa did well, even though she got bronze. She defended our turrets when those evil minions tried to take them down.

Tigreal: I have no idea what he did. I forgot. He probably just stood there and took damage for us.

Fanny: Great killer and defender, but somewhat careless. I also forgot what else she did.

Zhask: Did not push with his giant minion thingy. Zhask is a great pusher if you use him right. I don't know what he was doing the entire time, but he only used the giant minion thingy to kill enemies.

Harley: I like his hair.

Overall: This sounds like a product review. Anyways, the enemy team did so well, considering that they had an afk. I wonder what would've happened if Sun wasn't off doing whatever he was doing (ordering pizza?). Would the enemy team have won? Depends on if that Sun was a pro or not. Suprisingly, I had so much fun (and I wasn't raging too hard like I do sometimes). You want to know what really triggers me? It's when people say they'll go mid and end up being the worst player on our team. It's my fault that I even let them (just so you know, no one in this battle fought me for mid. Zhask was there, but he cooperated and shared mid without taking my jungle).

I hate when people take my jungle.

Don't take my jungle. I will leave you to die whenever you need help as revenge. And I will enjoy it very much.

End of incredibly boring and trashy chapter? Yes, your suffering has ended. Additionally, I have to go to my cousins' house tommorow, so I have less time to play Mobile Legends and write. I'll make Sun's chapter later than usual (it'll be uploaded in the evening instead of the morning in U.S time).

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