A Family Time

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Karthik was about to lean forward. But suddenly Shwetha's phone started ringing and they both stepped into reality and that was when they realised their position and closeness. This was their second time of so much proximity and they distanced themselves. Shwetha answered the phone. It was her mom asking about her whereabouts. While she was speaking on the phone, Karthik was staring at her. He still could not come out from his thoughts of kissing her.

As Shwetha finished the call, she looked at Karthik and found him staring at her. She called him twice but he didn't respond. So she shook him a little to bring him out of his trance. Soon he realised what he was doing and to avoid further embarrassment ,he bid bye to her soon left her home.

Both were unable to concentrate on anything. Karthik was wandering aimlessly in his bike. It was the first time he had ever felt like that in his entire life. She was constantly troubling his mind. Though he was a flirt, never for once any girl had affected him this much; but she does it to him, not once but every time.

Arghhh! What have you done to me Shwetha...

Shwetha was equally affected. She can't even understand what happened sometime ago. She had never been this close to any man in her life, still she didn't feel wrong about it. It seemed to be so right, to be with him. Above all, the moment they were close she can't even look directly into his eyes. They were so intense as if trying to mean something. What do they mean??

God! This man is definitely a danger!!!

Soon days flew off and Karthik and Shwetha were busy in avoiding each other as much as they can. This was their last day in Coimbatore as they had to leave Chennai the next day for Shreya's marriage preparations. Shwetha decided to spend the whole day with her family which also included Charu. She was nothing less to a family. She had invited Charu for lunch and they were planning to have a family time.

Charu arrived and searched for Shwetha. But she couldn't find her anywhere. Then suddenly she saw her in the kitchen.

"Shwetha! You cheater!! If you had already told me that you are going to cook today, then I would've never agreed to come today for lunch"

"Hey! Cool down baby. I'm a better cook. Don't worry, you will not die"

"I knew this day would come. But I never expected it to be this soon. God! Please save me from her."

Both started chatting random things and soon they were joined by Shwetha's mom. It was afternoon and all of them were seated in the dining table. Everyone praised Shwetha's cooking.

"Baby. To be true. Food is awesome. Bit disappointed, no chance to irritate you"

"Haha!! I knew it. Anyways you'll be the lab rat for all my new recipes. So be ready!!"

"Why should I be your lab rat? Try those things for your husband"

"Good job. You reminded me of something Charu. I've to take Shwetha's horoscope to family astrologer."

"Why aunty?"

"For what? It's time to search for a alliance."

As soon as those words came out of Gayathri's mouth, Shwetha sighed. She glared at Charu and she held her ears asking a cute sorry.

"Amma! What is the hurry now. I've started to work and it's been hardly a month now."

"To get a good alliance takes time. So I have to start now itself. "

She sighed and looked at her father asking him to say something.

"Don't worry princess. You are an invaluable treasure and it will take a lot of time to find the right person. So you have a lot of time for marriage and no hurry. Let your mom start now so that atleast she can find within a year or two", saying he winked at his daughter.

Krishnan was Shwetha's father. Her everything, her hero as of like any girl. Shwetha was his little princess no matter how much she grew up. He never allows anyone to scold her or even raise voice against her. But he would also never discourage any of Gayathri's thoughts. The love her parents shared was an inspiration to her.

"So Shwetha, tell me like whom do you want your husband to be?"


As soon as the words slipped out she looked the culprit. There Charu was sitting like an innocent, sticking her tongue out, Shwetha held her hands tightly beneath the dining table and smiled awkwardly seeing her parent's reaction.

"Which Karthik Shwetha?"

""That ... actually amma... Charu started so she will complete" saying she pressed Charu's hand tightly.

"That aunty... I was actually saying about actor Karthik. Shwetha likes his personality. So I just said"

"But akka.. Your favourite heroes are Surya and Prabhas right?"

Why does he have to speak now. Don't know why all are pulling my leg today. Thinking to herself, he smiled and said.
"So what... He is Surya brother. So.."

"This is the dumbest reason I've ever heard akka"

"Thanks bro.. By the way, I have started liking him from a newly released movie. I hope you haven't still watched that movie. So my suggestion is, go and watch that movie rather than pulling my leg. Okay?"

"Yeah okay devil", he smiled and resumed eating.

After lunch Shwetha and Charu were in Shwetha's room. Suddenly Shwetha started hitting Charu with a pillow.

"Hey idiot!! Why the hell are you hitting me now??"

"What was that stunt during lunch haan?? What if they had understood it?"

"So what..? Wait what? Understood it? So what I told was absolutely right. You want husband like that Karthik or want the same Karthik as your husband haan???"

"Just shut up. It's nothing like that. I was trying to say what if my parents understood it in a wrong way and I didn't complete my sentence"

"Yeah yeah, as if I'll believe. Baby you are not convincing me, but yourself. Okay? Don't act too smart. I know you better than you. So just chill and let everything happen in flow"

Shwetha just nodded and started thinking about her words and soon a smile formed at the corner of her lips...

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