Dusky Evenings

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Shreya was crying holding her mother close and Rishab was consoling her. She looked up to see her father, Mr. Thakur who was standing with tears brimming in his eyes. She went to her father with tears continuously flowing from her eyes. He gently carressed her head and wiped her tears while he himself was crying. Shreya hugged her father tightly and sobbed loudly. He was whisper soothing as if trying to console himself. Rishab took a step forward and took Mr. Thakur's hands in his own.

"Uncle. I can understand how it feels. But please don't cry. Shreya is my life. I'll take care of her and will be with her."

"I know son. But you know, she is my dear princess. I can't spend even a day without seeing her. Even during college days, I would daily make a video call and used to see her every week. I haven't even raised my voice on her. But now realising that she has become a big girl and is going to another home leaving this dad, I... "

"Papa. Don't say I'm leaving. I'll always be your princess and I'll visit you whenever I feel like seeing you" Shreya sobbed

"Okay Princess. Don't worry I'll be fine." saying he kissed her forehead and gave her hands to Rishab.

Rishab held her close to him. Next was Abhi.

"Hey Di. See. You'd always ask me to give you respect and call you Di. Now I'm calling you. "

Shreya smiled with tears in her eyes. Abhi held her close battling himself from crying.

"And Jeeju (brother-in-law). Take care of my sis. I trust you, still... you know" he smiled.

Rishab saluted him and smiled. Karthik came and hugged Shreya and Rishab.

"Like everyone, I will not speak for her. Be careful brother. She is a real devil. Save yourself. "

"I'm already doomed brother. Fate" Rishab winked.

Shreya hit both on their arms.

"Okay guys. Don't worry. Everything is gonna be fine. Now don't have those grief stricken faces. " Karthik said. Shwetha came and hugged Shreya.

Shreya and Rishab sat in a car started their journey and soon their family and friends too left. Shreya's dad and mom thanked Karthik and Shwetha before leaving. Karthik and Shwetha's family also left after a lot of teasings.

Shwetha was sitting in the lounge reading some magazine when Abhi came and sat near her.

"What are you doing Moti?"

"Waiting for Baby. I have to drop her at the airport. When are you starting?"

"I'll be starting in a few minutes."

"By car? "

"Yeah. I've got some important work in Coimbatore. Will travel to Mumbai by car and then reach Coimbatore by flight."

"Oh. Okay. " she eyed him.

As they were chatting, Charu came and stood there with her luggage and Karthik too came there.

"Thanks for coming Charu. It really means a lot."

"No need of thanks anna. Its my duty to be with her. I'm really happy for you guys."

"Okay okay. Enough of your talking. Come baby, lets go. It's getting late." Shwetha dragged her.

"Somebody is hell bent to drive everyone away anna. Be careful" Charu shouted and stuck her tongue out, irking Shwetha.

Shwetha just huffed and glared at her and dragged her away.

"Hello hello madam. Let me take by bags. Just wait." she chuckled.

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