Hiding From Each Other

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Shwetha's peaceful sleep was disturbed by sun rays. She tried to snuggle to the nearby pillow to sleep more, but was again interrupted by the ring of her mobile. Groaning she slowly woke up from her bed and tried to take her mobile from the table. It was her mother.

Haha!! Who else can wake me up from my long sleep... It's my dear mom!!!!

She attended the call only to hear her mother shouting.
"I have been calling you for past half an hour. What the hell are you doing Shwetha? "

"Amma. I'm still on my bed,woke up just now. But why are you shouting ?"

"I knew you would forget. You asked me yesterday to wake you up. Don't you remember that?"

Slowly registering her words she looked the mobile for time and it was 9.30am. Her team have a meeting by 10am and she had completely forgot it.

Ahhh!!! I forgot it.. How could I??

"Sorry sorry amma. I slept late and was hell tired. Now I'll go and get ready."

"You are a grown up, but behaving like a child. Get ready fast and make sure you give your best in this work. This is a big thing for you"

"Yeah amma. I know you don't worry. I'll talk to you later. And yeah ma.. I love you!! "

"Love you too my child. Take care"

She went fast to bathroom and got ready by half an hour. It was 10'o clock and she went down to look for her colleagues. They were coming one by one and soon her eyes searched for Karthik. He was not found in the surrounding. She went and sat at the open park. The cool breeze was soothing for her slight headache.

As she was watching the nature around the resort, she felt someone sitting near her. It was Maya and Shwetha greeted her.

"So... Are you looking for your lover boy?? Maya asked.

"What?  Who are talking about? " Shwetha asked as if not understanding. But deep down her heart knows who she was talking about.

"Hey.. Don't act innocent. I know you are searching for Karthik. "

"Hmm.. I'm not searching for anyone and Karthik is not my lover boy "

"Darling. Karthik is the lover boy for many girls,but the fact is that he doesn't have such feelings for anyone as far as I know. I saw how much you were affected by the girl's presence in the flight. So my opinion is that it's better if you don't have him as a lover boy" Maya told in a complete flow.

She was bewildered by her small speech amd sat without speaking anything.

Maya continued with her speech,
"He will pamper you and seek your attention in the start. But don't get used to it. Because he will not remain the same. I just wanted to be alright. So I'm telling you this"

Shwetha knew that Karthik was not like what she said, but deep down she had a fear that what if Maya's words come out as true. Not knowing what to say,

"Don't worry Maya. We are just friends and I hope he will be the same with his friends. " She couldn't let him down infront of others. As she turned to her side, she saw Karthik walking towards them speaking on his mobile.  He came near them and Maya greeted him and went away. Shwetha was looking at him to speak but he was deep in his converstaion and didn't notice her.

As he finished the call, she stood to speak with him. But he called other members to start the meeting. Shwetha was little disappointed but thought that he may be tired. Soon they started to discuss and Karthik asked Shwetha to discuss her plan as she will be leading the team. But the way he spoke to her was very formal and when she tried to look at his eyes, he looked away. She was quiet disturbed, but she decided to explain her plan as this was her dream. She could talk to him later.

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