East or West Home is Best

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Shwetha slowly turned to her back to find another shock of the day. There she stood with her hands folded in a formal vanakkam (Namaste) and a big grin pasted on her lips, Poorna.

Shwetha squealed in delight and went to hug her. Both girls jumped in happiness and suddenly Shwetha stopped. Poorna too stopped and looked at her.

Shwetha said nothing but made some actions like one does during Dumb Charade. She pointed at herself and acted like brushing where Poorna roughly translated.

"I.. Go.. Brush.. And come"

"That's what I also thought to say " came Karthik's voice from behind. Shwetha raced to restroom and finished her morning chores and came to the living room. Karthik was still in kitchen and Poorna was sitting on the couch watching TV. Shwetha came and sat next to Poorna and hugged her.

"It's been really long time Poor. How are you? "

"Ohhh. So someone completely forgot my existence and was completely drowned along with my brother and now asking about me. Great." Poorna faked hurt.

"I didn't forget you devil. I was little busy. But sorry for not calling" she smiled sweetly.

"Ok ok. I will forgive you. But you have to buy me a large pizza. Ok?? "

"Sure devil."

"So.. Should I start calling you Anni?" (sister-in-law) Poorna asked.

"No no. You will call me by my name." Shwetha said sternly.

"No no. I will call you anni. I like it pleaseeee" she asked cutely.

"Ok. Fine your wish" Shwetha smiled at her.

"So what's up with your brother making breakfast? "

"I know you are not a morning person. You'll wake up late, too tired to cook and so you'll order from hotel and eat unhealthy food. So as a caring would be husband, I'm here to make some tasty and healthy breakfast for you."

Karthik was standing leaning on the kitchen wall with a spatula in his hand and a proud smile plastered on his face. With the mere mention of husband Shwetha blushed and no soon her face was beet red.

"Ohho. So Chef Karthik. What's for the breakfast? " Shwetha asked with her hands folded.

"Its your favorite. Wait its over. I'll serve you guys."

He went inside and brought the utensils and cutlery. Both the girls were seated in the chairs waiting for the breakfast. When Karthik came and opened the hot box, there was colorful Upma.

"Vegetable Upma " he smiled.

Both Shwetha and Poorna inhaled the aroma that kindled their hunger.

"But Karthik, Masal Dosa is my favorite." Shwetha pouted.

"I know darling. If you eat Masal Dosa now, you'll not have proper lunch. So I thought of keeping it light. Ok let's say your second favorite Upma." he reasoned.

"Guys you can debate later. I'm starving. Let's eat" she licked her lips.

Karthik served Upma and spicy chutney. While he was serving, Shwetha took another plate and served for Karthik. All the three of them started eating.

Shwetha ate the morsel and moaned 'Yummy'. Seeing her reaction, Karthik gulped a glass full of water.

Poorna who didn't notice why he did that stared at Karthik.

"Anna. If you drink this much water, how will you eat Upma? "

"I can eat. I.. I was just thirsty." he said looking at Shwetha who was now smirking at him.

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