xix. wendy's breaking point

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"he can't know that i'm here. he'll kill me. he'll kill us!" max mayfield looked at lucas as billy's car approached the byers' home.

"oh shit!" wendy cursed, knowing that her boyfriend was probably pissed off. she knew that she had to be the one to talk him down. she wasn't going to let him lay a finger on max.

the tires screeched, and she looked back at her friends.
"stay here." wendy stated, and she walked out of the house.

billy stood next to his car, smoking a cigarette.
"wendy, is that actually you?" billy asked, looking at his girlfriend.

"billy, what are you doing here?" wendy asked, folding her arms over her chest as she walked closer to billy.

"i'm looking for max. a little birdie told me she was here." billy informed. wendy shook her head, lying.

"she's not here." wendy lied straight through her teeth. billy pulled the cigarette out of his mouth, exhaling the smoke. his eyes traveled over to the window, where he saw max and steve glancing out of the window.

billy let out a light chuckle before looking back at his girlfriend.
"can i ask you a question—two, actually?" billy looked at wendy.

wendy nodded, looking at billy hargrove as he flicked his cigarette to the ground.
"first question, why did you lie to me when i can see her in the window right there?" billy asked, stepping towards wendy.

"oh fuck me." wendy grumbled as she looked towards the window. steve and max closed the curtains, hoping that the two didn't see them.

"second question, baby. what have i told you about hanging around harrington?" billy asked, his eyes becoming clouded with anger as he stared down at his lying girlfriend.

he held her chin, tilting her head up to where she was looking up at him. wendy knew that she was scared of what billy was going to do, but she tried to hold her own, careful not to tremble.

"you're gonna wish you had listened to me." billy spat at her, shoving wendy back from him. wendy's eyes widened as she looked at billy.
"did you just fucking push me?" wendy snapped.

"did you just fucking lie to me?" billy retorted. wendy stepped back up, her face inches apart from billy's.

almost involuntarily, wendy's right palm swiped across billy's face, slapping him hard. there was no way in hell wendy was going to let billy get away with shoving her.

billy laughed sinisterly, rubbing his cheek as he looked at wendy.
"you're dead, babe." billy stated, ready to get back at wendy.
steve harrington rushed outside, wanting to get wendy away before billy seriously hurt her.

"well if it isn't steve harrington!" billy scoffed, watching as steve walked out of the house. steve pulled wendy back behind him, not wanting her to get hurt.

"look, billy, it'd be best if you just left." steve mumbled, looking at billy.
"yeah and it'd be best if you had stayed away from my girlfriend." billy said, pushing steve to the ground.

"steve!" wendy gasped, watching billy tower over steve.
"i told you to plant your feet." billy stated, looking down at steve.

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