◇ chapter six

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A/N : if you like me to continue comment

Cause I don't know what I'm doing

**Millie's pov**

We should probably go now. I don't even know how long we have been here but I just feel really comfortable in Finns arms, its so safe.

I wouldn't want to leave from this moment but we should cause someone will come look after us if we don't. Finn pulls away.

He smiles and says :"everything is going to be fine. We will work things through. Believe me." I smile at Finn and we giggle at each other before going. I nod at Finn and we walk.

"Millie!" I see Noah walking this way. "Sadie and Caleb said to me to tell you both that we are going to hung out in gatens place.So are you two coming or not ?" Noah asks us.

I turn that I could see Finns expression and he smiles at me and I take that as yes we will totally come. I smile back and say :" of course we are coming, am I right Finn ?" I already know the answer but I ask anyway.

"yeah, as mills just said, yes we are coming, totally." We laugh and we leave the studio for today and went to gatens hotel. I love these guys so much.

As we arrive to gatens place and sit down. Noah says :"I want to tell you guys something and I really hope you all still like me even after telling it to you" I can tell he is really nervous.

What would it be because I have known Noah so long, many years so what could it be.

Something that I don't know. "we will still like you even if it would be anything" Caleb says and everyone agrees with him. "thank you" Noah thanks. He is starting to tear up.

"what is it Noah ?" I ask. I come close to Noah and hug him tight. "its nothing bad I guess" Noah says as he wipes away his tears. "you can tell us" I hear Finn saying behind me.

"its really hard to say cause I have keep it as secret for so long because I'm afraid of telling anyone."

"I know that my family wouldn't accept it but I want to believe that you guys will." Noah continues.

Everyone nods a bit to communicate to Noah that we are listening. "I'm not into girls" Noah says. He is starting to cry again. "I'm gay" he continues.

Everyone is starting to cry and smile at Noah and says :"we will always love you Noah, we will always support you."

We hug Noah and tell him that everything is okay. " I can't thank you enough" Noah says and he still cries. "so do you find us attractive?" Finn smirks and definitely says it as sarcasm.

"Finn, is not the time now." I say. "you, gaten and Caleb are attractive and very nice to hung out with but you are my best friends so not like that" Noah says as he laughs with Finn.

"I love you all so much even if we haven't known so long" Sadie says as she starts sobbing.

"I love you too Sadie" I say. No one disagree with me. I love them so much. We were such a mess.


Time passes and we go out and eat dinner. So much has happened today.

I will talk with Finn later about us because we need to think about are we going to tell everyone that we are dating and what about the fans that ship us, that ship fillie.

We are eating at a Chinese restaurant. Caleb choose this place. We are talking while eating about Noah, the filming and about mostly everything that is going on now.

Finn sits next to me and gaten is in the other side. I feel Finns hand reaching out to my hand. I smile at Finn and he smiles back.

We don't even notice but Noah asks as curiously :"lets stop talking about me. Lets talk about Finn and Millie like what's going on between you too ?"

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