Hell on Olympus Begins (Slowly)

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Thalia's POV

I open my eyes to see a woman, fire and Percy looking down at me. What the hell (pun intended) did I miss? All of a sudden I realize that I'm not on the floor. Percy's holding me bridal style, my fear of heights runs through my veins and I panic. Percy gets the message and let's me down on my feet. Hel speaks first with an evil accent: "Welcome Thalia. This is Hel, as labeled on the tourist sign behind me." A glowing neon light flashes 'Welcome to Hel'. 

"Huh?" - Thalia

"Don't judge me, Hel is a lonely place." - Hel

"But your Hel, so your realm is named after you?" - Thalia

"Yes child. Now I believe you and Percy need to talk." Hel says before nodding Percy.

Percy Jackson and the Goddess of HellTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang