The Land of the Samurai

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Thalia's POV - Apartment

"In the prophecy, it said something about the land of the samurai. Is that Japan?" Magnus said.

"Most probably..." I say, "If it is how do we get there. Percy could shadow-travel and I could water teleport but what would you do Magnum?"

"Do not call me that!" Magnum exclaims. Me and Perce just laugh. "But could we take a plane?"

"I can't go by plane." Perce says.

"Wait but Perce, if you aren't Greek then Zeus won't care, plus you're still incognito with you're blond hair and blue eyes. Zeus won't sense you or even recognize you." I say but realizing it would still be risky.

"I guess so... I could also use the mist to cover us whilst in the air." Perce states, he is a born leader, yet still a seaweed brain.

"So now... We are going by business class right?"

Time Skip - Through a long boring economy class flight

"God dammit! Why didn't we just all shadow-travel!?" Magnus shouted as we were going through customs. A little too loudly seeing as a police officer approached him thinking he was high. I shooed the police officer before he could arrest the moron.

"Magnum don't shout!" I whispered. Perce nodded in agreement.

Tokyo Narita Airport was full unlike its counterpart in L.A and I couldn't help but notice a stall with the words, 'Free Greek Artifacts'. After Customs me and Perce went while Magnum lined up for our bags... I don't know whether he was being a gentleman or whether he didn't want swords in his hamstrings, I guess I'll never know! The stall had a few little tablets and abacuses. I asked the man if they were real, but he said no.  Artifacts of a civilization {A/N Sort of like in The Kane Chronicles} can trap the essence of a god. The reason I wanted a few was because I could use them to trap the gods and goddesses essence in them and disperse the power to make us gods because Hel and Perce have secretly planned - You can't tell anyone! - the making of a massive floating fortress for us to rule from, sort of like Olympus but with the power to travel through the nine realms.

Perce sends me a mind message, an ability Hel never told us about when we got mated, he said, "We need to get going, I can sense a mythological being. I'm not sure where from, it is much more powerful than a demi-god, however I still want to check it in case this is the 'one.'" "Ok" I send back. With that we go back to Magnum, the bags at his feet, we take 2 bags each and leave the building. Perce leads the way, clearly following the sense of the being.

After a couple of hours of slow walking we see a small village just outside Tokyo.

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