I killed him

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Thalia's POV

The Prince of Hel and my husband. I didn't expect him to die. I never wanted that. I loved him and I killed him. I see a figure with green seaweed like eyes turn and leave. I run towards him...

"Percy! What the fuck!? How are you still alive?" - T

"I never died, I just teleported to Valhalla. Not purposefully though." - P

"My seaweed brain..." I say before crying into his shoulder. He leans his head on mine and kisses me softly.  "I'm sorry Perce..."

"You did nothing wrong Thalia." He says before kissing me on the lips. A perfect kiss. A perfect guy. My Percy...

(Mature scene)

"Hey can't Hel sense my presence." - P

"Probably..." - T

And with that - warning censored - I take off his shirt and kiss his chest slowly. Sex... Sex... Sex... The word rushes through my mind. I grab his lower regions and adventure. Just kidding I want the guy dead after making me sit through his funeral.

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