The Five Warriors

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Alex's POV
"Hey Magnus!" I shout.
"Shit! I forgot to mention I invited Alex and Eros. I forgot to introduce you to my girlfriend!" Magnus says.

With that a blond haired and blue eyed old teenager and a black-haired blue eyed teenager - about the same age as the other, walk out from behind a tree. The boy bares two swords and the girl bares a sword and a shield. {A/N Aegis is still Thalia's in this story}

"The boy is Perseus Hel Jackson. Percy - Alex. Alex - Percy." Magnus says.

"Oi what about me!" The girl complains.

"Oh this is Thalia Aegir-GraceJackson. Thalia - Alex. Alex - Thalia." Magnus finishes.

"Who wants to fight?" Percy asks. "We could do a tag-team, me and Thalia versus you three. Eros is a big shot - pun intended - after all"

"Um sure big shot." I say.
"Oi Percé, I'm not a big shot!" Eros complains.
"Excuse me?" Percy says.
"Come on big shot, let's see what you've got!" I say confidently. Worst... Decision... Ever.

The temple acted like an arena with an open area for the fight, first was Thalia versus Magnus. As Magnus summoned Jack, a sword made its way into his thigh. Before he was hit by a wave caused by Thalia. Next was Eros versus Percy... Love versus Death, Fire and Water. Eros runs at Percy and morphs into a dragon - I didn't know he could do that... Must of been a gift from Hel. Percy slashes with his swords, a trail of golden blood following the blades from Ero's chest - because he's a fucking god. Percy finishes him with a beautiful move, he lights him on fire until he crumples. My turn... Oh shit. I choose to fight Thalia because I don't want to die.

I start off with a slash from my garrote wire, she just hits it out the air with water. Damn. I morph into a cheetah and run circles around her. I hit her shield as she holds it out like a target. My head hurts! She quickly finishes me with a bolt of lightning. Yeah, I can't fight very well.

Time Skip after the recovery of Magnus, Alex and Eros

"The prophecy said something about a beast..." Percy said. A rumble shakes the town.

A/N At this point Eros has a lot of hidden powers

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