He's Loki evil (This author is shit)

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Thalia's POV

So recap, this is the point of life that is so damn bad you want to curl up in a ball and die. And next thing you know your boyfriends ex-girlfriend walks around the corner with a big knife with jagged edges. It's chainsaw massacre all over again. Clarisse walked in next to Annabeth and grabbed her ass, Annabeth turns and kisses her. Perce charged with his old sword riptide and sliced at her head. Annabeth just moved, "Come on Seaweed brain can't you hit me?" She coaxed. Loki grins.

I want to say - and then Hel zapped him out of existance. But she didn't. So instead she gave Perce and I so support. Alex Fierro and Magnus Chase, who were probably making out considering their lack of clothes also the inappropriate place Alex's hand was *cough cough* Magnus' dick *cough cough* gave it away and Eros, that angel winged god from like 4 chapters ago. Remember him. I hardly do. Anyway Eros just ran downstairs for the fight so he was useless. Anywho, I just zapped Annabeth with lightning. She flew out the building (well more left a hole in the building) and considering the holes, a mountain too. Anyway, Magnus continued to get fingered by Alex, they probably thought they were somewhere private... They weren't. Perce caused an electric tsunami, because we're a overpowered hubby n' wife fighting business. Only Loki survived the tsunami, Clarisse just had a bit of a shock, leaving her in a permanent paralysis. Damn. The author of this story really needs to add a hard opponent. Anyway Loki just seemed to not give a blind fuck until... The next chapter!

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