The Final Battle

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Authors Note - Thanks for all the support with this story, muchos love guys. Sorry this hasn't been published in like half a year, I'm just busy with exams! (There're shit) Anyway hope you enjoy and look out for another shit story in the near future.

Percy's POV
Right, remember mine and Hel's secret Flying Fortress plan. Fuck that. After like a year it isn't even started. Remember that Japanese overpowered guy. Yeah he got faded by motherfucking Thanos. And remember Clarisse and how she was completely disabled. She got bored so did an electric wheelchair race with an old grandad on a scooter. Well, because I was watching... I may have used the wind to push Clarisse into a guys wood chipper. Ok so now that that complete gap (of about 2 months in the book) and I've finished a lot of dumb pop culture references, we can get on to something interesting.

So, here goes. Present day LA.

I turn over and continuously smack my alarm clock aimlessly. I miss and casually my hand breaks it. I'm only (a fucking overpowered Demi-god, God killing, Supreme {second in command} of Hel) human. I then realize that I'm being slept on by Thales. So I kinda of push her off me... gently of course. I mean it's hardly my fault she continued to roll off the bed... I went flying through the dry wall by a blast of lightning. She charges at me, I dodge and wrestle her to the ground and start tickling her.

She laughed so much I thought I was going to meet my doom to her fucking tears. Could you imagine. After all I've been through. Dying. To. FUCKING. TEARS! I stopped and then I whispered, "Morning my Thunder Queen." "Morning Perce."
Time went on and we were happy. You know there was some sex here and there. Because not all stories are PG. And one day she whispered in my ear whilst watching a film at the cinema. "I think I'm pregnant."

A few days pasted and finally after two months, Hel needed the 'Dynamic Duo'. "I need you Percy and Thalia." Read the email. Kind of a crap way to beckon us. So we go to Hel.

Hel: We attack Olympus tomorrow.
Me: What.
Thalia: Bu-but I'm pregnant
Hel: Well. That's not convenient.
Me: No shit Sherlock
Hel: Zip it
Me: Okay 😔
Thalia: Anyway should I guard Hel? Or is there like a magical cure?
Hel: The only 'magical' or otherwise solution to stop you being pregnant is an abortion.
Thalia: So there isn't one.
Hel: Yeah
Me: Okay so I attack Olympus with the army and someone stays here to help protect Hel. Because even though Thalia is over-fucking-powered... she can't do it alone.

Thalia: Fair point

Hel: Right, so are we OK with this? You haven't gotten lazy or weaker since I last saw you?

Me: We'll find out.

Hel: Because if it's that fucking iHop with new Blue Pancake's. I will send an army of the dead to burn it all.

Me: Wait, if you can do that, why not do it with Olympus? 

Hel:  Because I like fighting... and it's a cooler way to destroy all the gods. Anything else to say about this fight?

Me: Nothing aside from the fact it'll be super easy, barely an inconvenience.

Hel: Good. Ciao for now.

Time Skip Until Tomorrow

Percy's POV

Right so today's the big day, I get up, realize I'm already half an hour late, and leave. Yup, still useless at waking up on time. Anyway, I arrive at Hel and everyone is in line, with Alex and Thalia protecting Hel. I then realize I haven't got armor on. Oh well.

The next series of events was some Dr Strange, CGI kind of shit. Hel opens a portal and everyone charges, me not realizing we were just gonna start, just stood there. So I uncap Riptide, whip out my swords and make a Thor in Infinity War style entrance, just with water as well as lightning because I'm fucking extra... Don't judge me. 

And then... 

You realize there is still one more chapter...


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2019 ⏰

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