War Prep... Sounds easy... Looks easy... Makes you want to commit suicide!

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Hermes' POV - After the God council meeting - Olympus

"Fuck off with Perseus Jackson and Thalia Grace! They should have been killed ages ago! Artemis and Hermes, you must hunt the two and kill them!" Zeus bellowed through the Throne Room. "All in favor raise your hands." The throne room was hosting a minor and major god vote, so Hel's side lost... Of course. I glance over at Artemis who seemed to be triggered. I stand up and say, "I will go find the two morons!" The Olympians cheered and I regret agreeing to it, but who am I to stand up against hundreds of gods/goddesses. 

Time Skip - The woods of Brazil

Artemis has sheltered us with mist to avoid the gods listening in. "What do we do?" She asks.

"We warn Percy. Then storm Olympus!"

Time Skip To Hel - Still undercover... - Security meeting (Including Percy, Thalia, Magnus and Eros)

"This sounds fun" Percy said. He morphed into his blond hair blue eye form.

"What do we do?" I ask.

"We prepare for the war against Olympus. However, Hel is still trapped, so a quest is needed. I will go with Magnus and Thalia to find someone to break the curse. In the meantime, you all will train." Percy declared. What a strong leader he is.

"You're going to be a great leader," Artemis said.

"No, we will be great leaders. All of us." The humble warrior said.

We all cheered. 

Percy's POV

As I walk to Hel's oracle with Thalia and Magnus, I wonder what demigod would be strong enough to break this curse...

Hel's Oracle is a dark, dingy cave in the side of a cliff, at the back of the cave is a weakly lit alter. On it the prophecy etched it's way slowly downwards:

'The three shall travel East,

To the land of the Samurai.

The one shall slay the beast,

And unlock thy true colors.

Bolt and water will return from the grave,

And bring the Goddess of Hel to Olympus.

The elements will combine to make powers,

Enough to challenge the Gods!'

AN - I suck at prophecies... I get it... Don't judge!

"Well... Didn't see that coming." I said "I expected more."

With that the alter collapsed and inside the ruins lay two swords. One had a cool water and fire decal from the bottom of the blade. The other had lightning and water decals on the handle, with twos streaks of lightning going up the blade. 

"Well... I've got Jack so they aren't mine." Magnus said bluntly.

"I think the water and fire is mine because of Poseidon and Hel." I say with hatred towards Poseidon.

"And mine is the lightning and water because of Aegir and Zeus." Thalia says, spitting at the name Zeus. 

I uncap Riptide, my old friend, the weapon that helped me through tough times and still appears in my pocket. I pick up my new sword. "I'm calling mine Crucifier." I whisper from awe as I feel its sheer power run through my veins. Then it turns into a leather jacket. I put it on.

"Stormrage..." Thalia whispers as hers becomes a little Obelisk on a thin black necklace. She puts it on. Then a dark elderly woman appears through at the mouth of the cave alongside a monster. Neither are from our army. The monster charges at us, I zip up the jacket and it becomes Crucifier. I uncap Riptide as well. And with both swords I charge back at him. I slash through him like scissors to paper. A heap of gold dust appears in his place. The woman spreads two wings, I throw Riptide at her like a boomerang and it returns after leaving another pile of dust. Talk about bad-ass!

"Damn Percy, you didn't even try!" - M

"That's because I am - Wait for it - helish!"

My wife face palms whilst Magnus looks disappointed. 

"It wasn't that bad was it?" I say.

"Yeah... It was." Thalia says disappointed.

"Yeah lets just go back and watch them train." Magnus said.

Time Skip - Ero's POV

I turn and shoot the target dead center. Artemis covers Hermes as he dashes to the checkpoint. In all the millennia I have existed never have I ever had a training session this hard before. No joke, even Nike is sweating... And shes one bad-ass goddess of victory. An arrow embeds itself in my back as I run out of the building towards the escape zone. If I reach the escape zone training will end so I make a mad dash for it to see Perlia - Catchy ship name! - and Magnus laughing at us. I raise my middle finger to the three of them. And of course, Percy lights me on fire... How he did that from 20 odd meters away is beyond me!

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