Chapter 1 : The Bar Of The Gods

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"Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome to the fighting stage one of the top contenders!" An announcer shouted into a microphone. The surrounding crowd hushed themselves as he started.

"The undisputed King Of The Rookies here at the Dark Arena; A man whose strength has been rumored to know no bounds; a man whose powerful blows can subdue opponents with ease; A man whose true abilities are yet to be seen : ZEUS, THE GOD OF LIGHTNING!" The announcer said as a droplight suddenly shined onto a young male standing in the dirt arena. The male had pitch-black hair with blue highlights, pale skin, and bright blue eyes. He wore a white t-shirt covered by a black vest with the initials "D.A" On the left side, above his heart.

"And his opponent, a man whose strength once allowed him to kill his opponent with a single punch; A man whose sheer size is overwhelming; A man whose been rumored to be able to take the crown from our champion, Ares; Please welcome: GANESHA, THE GOD OF SUCCESS!" Another light suddenly shined brightly on a spot directly across from Ares. A very large dark-skinned man stood inside the light, smiling at the crowd. Following Ganesha's theme, the person was dressed to reflect an elephant. His armor was grey colored, consisting of shoulder paddings, what seemed like leg bracers, and a central elephant's-skull-like design on the chest plate. The tusks of the elephant design were not merely for design. They grew out of the armor, allowing for the ability to sink the fearsome and sharp tusks into the body of an opponent via grappling.



Ganesha's body was lifted out of the arena, his body being badly bruised. His armor was broken in several places, cracked in others. The horns jutting from the chest piece were shattered on the floor behind him.



Jay "Zeus" Cruel walked out of the arena, his fingerless gloves being soaked in blood. The dimly lit tunnel provided a place to console sanity after matches. The tunnel also lead to the waiting area for the other fighters. Usually, the tunnel would be empty for the other fighters liked to wait before their matches, however this time someone had her back against the tunnel walls.

"Nice fight." The female said as she walked up to him. Jay took note of her features. Bright amber eyes, jet-black hair, a black corset that was tightly wrapped around her slender frame.

"Thanks." Jay replied before she walked passed him.

"Good luck with your next one, dear." She said as she turned back to face him just before her feet touched the arena.

"You'll need it." She said with a sly smile as she stepped onto the dirt arena.

"PLEASE WELCOME, ARTEMIS, GODDESS OF THE HUNT!" The announcer shouted, signifying the god she was assigned.


Jay washed his metal gloves under hot water, remembering his new nickname: Zeus, The God Of Lightning. For some unknown reason, the president of the "Dark Arena", the world of Remnant's pro-battling arena, assigned all of it's fighters the names of gods or deities. At first, Jay had thought that it was to hide the fighter's identities, but then Jay noticed that the fighters literally took after their assigned names. For example, Ganesha is seen as an elephant-like deity in many regards. The fighter named Ganesha was  a large man with grey armor and elephant -designed décor. Even Jay himself. Although his name was "Zeus", in his previous fight he hadn't exposed his semblance. His semblance was the ability to control a thunderbolt and shape the bolt into any weapon: a bow and arrow, a sword, a spear. However, Jay's semblance also allowed him to morph the lightning bolt into a creature, the largest being the size of a wolf. For some reason, the lightning bolt had a mind of it's own. When morphed into a creature, the lightning bolt would literally take the mind of the creature. It's favorite form was the wolf, which Jay had named Raiku.

His mind suddenly shifted to the fighter known as Artemis he had just seen earlier. Although he hadn't said much, her looks had almost sent him speechless. The black glass-like mask, complimented by a black bow and a sleeveless black jacket and her black heel boots all of which had black mosaic designs. Her mesmerizing amber eyes, her figure...

Someone tapped him on his shoulder.

"How's life been since the orphanage, Jay? Has it been filled with glorious riches just as you said it would be? Hahaha!" A deep voiced man said. Behind Jay stood a tall, old white male. With his eye gauged out sometime ago, the name "Odin" befitted him. It wasn't even his assigned name. It was his name. Odin, without a last name. He never let anyone know his last name.

"It's been lonely." Jay replied as he dried his hands and his gloves and turned to face Odin.

"Lonely? Haha! That's good! Better than miserable! How's about you come with me for a beer?" Odin shouted loudly. Jay shook his head.

"I don't drink, Odin."

"Nonsense!" Odin shouted as he wrapped his arm around Jay's shoulder.

"A good drink is always good for a man's growth!"


"I'll have a soda please, lemon-lime flavor." Jay told the bartender as both he and Odin sat down at the dark bar. Outside, the sun had long since set leaving the darkness to prowl about.

"Nonsense! A beer is in order!" Odin shouted, swinging his arm around Jay's shoulder again. The bartender stood in front of them, slightly confused and very irritated.

"A soda, please."

"A beer!"




"BEER!" Odin shouted one last time before someone pulled out the chair next to Jay and sat down.

"I'll have a beer, cherry flavored with a little kick to it please." The woman said as she turned to glance at the two men. She was dressed in a black dress with what could only be described as glass-like designs. The dress also revealed almost the entirety of her legs and clung to her frame. The bartender had nodded his head at her order before throwing a bottle of beer at Odin, pouring a cup of soda for Jay, and handing Cinder her drink.

"If you two keep bickering, you'll be kicked out and considering I need to talk to one of you, I can't let that happen." Cinder said placing her palm against her cheek and leaning against the bar. Odin suddenly pushed up next to Jay, an interesting look in his eyes.

"And just exactly which of us do you need to talk to...?" Odin asked. Cinder rolled her eyes.

"Obviously not you, old timer. Sorry hun, but I need to speak with the young man behind you. So get out of my way." Cinder said harshly.

"Always the young... All is well! Congratulations, young Jay! I will be taking my leave, the orphanage calls for my name!" Odin shouted as he quite literally danced away from the two and out of the bar.

"He's... unique." Cinder said as she watched him dance his way out of the bar. She turned to Jay once Odin had disappeared from view.

"Your stage name was Artemis, correct?" Jay said as he took a sip from his soda.

"Just call me Cinder Fall. The stages names the Dark Arena hand out are so... cliché." Cinder said as she took a straw and began moving ice around in her drink.

"There's nothing wrong with being named after a god."


The next day, Jay was scheduled to fight Loki, God Of Illusions. Before his match started, Jay was in the waiting room, the entire room being empty. He was the last fight of the morning before the Arena went on a four hour break and the fights resumed. He was facing the ground, bending over his knees as he sat down on the bench in the blue room. The floor was a pale white, as was the ceiling. However, the walls were light blue.

"Getting ready for your big fight?" Cinder said as she sat down next to him. Jay shook his head.

"Just... praying."


"So I don't kill Loki today."

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