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This story will be discontinued. Not going to lie, im losing interest in writing this and I've hit a massive writer's block for this story. However, I am going to include what I had for this chapter prior to this release. If you like this book, please check out my own book I wrote! It's called "The Last Crimson King."


Ares charged his right fist as he rushed forward, his right arm falling behind him. This would increase his power, however it was an attack Jay would be able to dodge quite easily.

Instead, Jay rushed forward as well, white lightning suddenly surrounding him once more. His own right was charging behind him, ready to slam into Ares. The two crashed their fists into each other, the impact causing an explosion and launching the two away from the center of the arena.


The announcers, Bartholomew Oobleck and Peter Port, both exclaimed as the shockwave was unleashed from the sheer force of their strikes.

"What's this!? After colliding at the center of the ring, it seems both Zeus and Ares are evenly matched! This is a dramatic turn-around!" Oobleck shouted enthusiastically.

"This is very surprising indeed, old friend. In his last bout with Agni, he got away with a draw and yet he seems to be even with Ares, the Dark Arena's champion!" Port replied.

"Oh! Oh! There it is! Ares' legendary battle-axe! The challenger now has his money running for him!" Oobleck shouted again.

"I don't believe that's the correct way of using that phrase, however now that Ares has unsheathed his axe, Zeus must now be cautious." Port commented as Oobleck suddenly grabbed his microphone and jumped form his chair.

"But what is this!? The challenger refuses to back down! In an instant, the challenger has used his unique semblance in order to create a lightning staff in his hands! He doesn't intend to back down!"


Cinder's eyes widened in shock as Ares charged forward. She quickly bent down to open her scroll, calling the one person she could think of at that moment.

"Yes, Cinder? I hope you have something important to report." Salem's voice asked.

"I do, Miss Salem. It's about the subject."

"...Go on."

"He's ready." She said as she closed her scroll.


Jay raised his staff, the axe slamming into the lightning but stopping.

"I do not understand you, Zeus." Ares said as he pulled his axe away, jumping back from their engagement.

"What do you mean by that?" Jay asked.

"Your power is fluctuating. One moment it is equal to my strength, the next you are just as threatening as a snail."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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