Chapter 8 : The Eyes Of The Gods

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Mathias, otherwise known as "Ares," stood on his side of the arena. His eyes were closed, his arms crossed over his chest as he waited patiently for his opponent to arrive, His mind flew back to the first encounter he'd had with Jay. He'd stepped in between Mathias and Leonardo, easily grabbing Mathias' own battle axe and reminding Mathias of the harsh rules imposed by The Dark Arena.

"The challenger has yet to appear! With less than one minute remaining, will we see a forfeit!?" The announcer shouted as thunder suddenly clapped in the skies. Mathias opened his eyes as the first clap of thunder ceased.

Jay had arrived.


Jay slammed into the ground, several meters away from Ares. He had dropped to one knee upon impact, neutralizing any damage he would have taken. He then slowly stood back up to his feet, glaring angrily at Ares.

"Those eyes... they are not as calm as before, when we last met. They seem... rather angry, as if he'd lost something important to him." Ares thought to himself before the announcer suddenly began commentating once again.

"With a flashy arrived, the Challenger has appeared! And just in the nick of time too! Less than twelve seconds remained before he would be disqualified!"

As soon as the announcer shouted for the two fighters to begin, Jay bolted towards Ares, slamming his right fist into Ares' body. However, Ares had narrowly managed to block the blow by crossing his arms over his chest.

"This inhumane strength... it's levels above when he fought Agni."  Ares thought to himself as Jay followed up with a hard left punch. Ares blocked that punch as well, however he was forced to jump back in order to not be sent spiraling to the ground.

"He's... not thinking straight. He isn't using his old style of fighting where he uses counter-attacks to subdue his opponent. He's just bull rushing me."

Ares planted his feet firmly as Jay leapt toward him once more. This time, however, Ares charged forward as well. Ares' fist collided with Zeus', as did the next and the next after that. Both he and Zeus continued slamming fists into each other, some colliding with the other's fist, some crushing the opponent's flesh.

Eventually, the two back off, both of them breathing heavily.

"Did that... awaken you?" Ares thought to himself as Jay was suddenly struck with another lightning bolt. He shouted in pain for a slight moment before his entire facial expression suddenly changed.


Odin twisted the golden doorknob before pulling the door inward, revealing the outside world. It was a vast blizzard, one that the new reporters said might continue for weeks on end.

"Alright bring the child in, Lauren."  Odin said with a soft smile. Lauren, his young and only daughter, was desperately trying to shelter a small, five-year-old boy from the snow with her arms and coat. She quickly stepped into her dark, brick home before running to the fire. Several other children ran towards her, but she gently pushed the aside.

"How is 'e?" Odin asked as he walked back down the hall, a bowl of warm chicken soup in his hands.

"I don't know, father. I found him in an alleyway. Thank goodness the alleyway was somewhat sheltered from the storm." Lauren replied as Odin placed the bowl of soup on a nearby table then picked up a blanket and put it around her shoulders.

"He'll live. I can see it." Odin replied. Lauren sighed.

"If you saw it, how come you didn't say anything?"

"I was trying to see if my semblance was passed on to you, my dear." Odin calmly replied.

"But it isn't, father. Mother already told you that I have her semblance." Lauren said as she gently rubbed the small child's hand between her palms.

"Aye, she did. But that was three years ago, when you were ten! You're thirteen now."

"And? Does age matter for semblances?" Odin shook his head at her response.

"No, what I'm saying my dear is-"

"Then what are you saying, Dad!? Because quite frankly, this is just another time when you don't listen!"

"My dear, you have two semblances. I'm tryin' to see what yer' second semblance is."  Lauren turned to her father, her eyes wide with shock.

"What?" She replied.

"Aye. Tis not a lie. I must go now. once you've finished warming him up, go and fetch your brother. I must speak with him."

"But father, Qrow said not to-"

"Tell him it's an emergency." Odin interrupted before opening another door that lead to the rest of the orphanage.

"Oh and Lauren, just so you remember dear-" Odin said as he paused at the new doorway/

"I am not going to call you your mother's nickname. I dislike it. 'Raven Branwen.'" Odin said as he stepped through the doorway and closed the door behind him.


The lightning bolt vanished in thin air, leaving Jay out of breath.

"That was... Raiku showing me a memory!?" Jay exclaimed to himself in his mind. He suddenly gazed back at Ares standing before him, ready for another charge from Jay. Jay calmed himself, quickly managing to slow his breathing and heart rate.

"Need to calm down..." Jay thought as he straightened his back in preparation.

"No more charging in recklessly."  Was the final thought in jay's mind before Ares darted forward.

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